Ketogenic diet proof

ketosis diet tim noakes

“The proof is in the pudding?”

Before joining the 6-in-1 guaranteed weight loss program, here are some more things to consider. Taking a big step such as switching to a FAT diet is not something anyone would take lightly, besides, for many years we were taught that it could harm us, thus it is a normal first reaction for those who have not yet seen the evidence, to be in disbelief. We therefore would like to turn to scientific proof now:

Research Case No.1:

Volek JS, et al. Carbohydrate restriction has a more favorable impact on the metabolic syndrome than a low fat diet. Lipids, 2009.

The research: 40 subjects with elevated risk factors for cardiovascular disease were randomized to a low-carb or a low-fat diet for 12 weeks. Both groups were calorie restricted.

Weight Loss: The low-carb group lost 10.1 kg (22.3), while the low-fat group lost 5.2 kg (11.5 lbs).

Conclusion: The low-carb group lost almost twice the amount of weight as the low-fat group, despite eating the same amount of calories.

This study is particularly interesting because it matched calories between groups and measured so-called “advanced” lipid markers. Several things are worth noting:

  • Triglycerides went down by 107 mg/dL on LC, but 36 mg/dL on the LF diet.
  • HDL cholesterol increased by 4 mg/dL on LC, but went down by 1 mg/dL on LF.
  • Apolipoprotein B went down by 11 points on LC, but only 2 points on LF.
  • LDL size increased on LC, but stayed the same on LF.
  • On the LC diet, the LDL particles partly shifted from small to large (good), while they partly shifted from large to small on LF (bad).

Research case no. 2:

11. McClernon FJ, et al. The effects of a low-carbohydrate ketogenic diet and a low-fat diet on mood, hunger, and other self-reported symptoms.Obesity (Silver Spring), 2007.

The research: 119 overweight individuals were randomized to a low-carb, ketogenic diet or a calorie restricted low-fat diet for 6 months.

Weight Loss: The low-carb group lost 12.9 kg (28.4 lbs), while the low-fat group lost only 6.7 kg (14.7 lbs).

Conclusion: The low-carb group lost almost twice the weight and experienced less hunger.

Now there are a plethora of other research cases to support these findings. I am always scared about jumping to conclusions about “what they” have found – however, when there are more than 5 confirmed instances where the professionals agree, then it is less of a health risk and the case becomes clear: It is a health improvement.  I would therefore suggest that besides the above two cases, you may also wish to consider the following:

Gardner CD, et al. Comparison of the Atkins, Zone, Ornish, and LEARN diets for change in weight and related risk factors among overweight premenopausal women: the A TO Z Weight Loss Study. Published by The Journal of The American Medical Association, 2007.

Brinkworth GD, et al. Long-term effects of a very-low-carbohydrate weight loss diet compared with an isocaloric low-fat diet after 12 months.American Journal of Clinical Nutrition, 2009

Making a big dietary change should be an informed choice. I hope that what we shared here is useful to many who will no doubt be taking this step soon. In addition to the video by Professor Tim Noakes, which I recommend you watch, there is also another interesting discussion which took place:

Perhaps now we can turn to the next question concerning heart rate: Why have some people complained that a low-carb / ketogenic diet may be to blame for a rapid pulse?

If you ever had loads of alcohol without drinking water, the next morning you would also wake up  and feel your heart beat in your throat. That is an awful feeling but the reason for the symptoms is that the bodies electrolysis has been depleted.

A Ketogenic diet can be similar to having a hangover, as the carb-rich food we used to eat, contained more electrolysis (sugar + salt/sodium + potassium + magnesium). It is also true that a low carb diet will result in less fluid retention, which explain these possible symptoms. That is why, when the 6-in-1 health report recommends certain vitamins and fluid intake alongside the diet: It is not just about rapid weight loss. It is a matter of sustaining your health by following well researched advise.