Yoga for beginners – how can you benefit from yoga?

Lotus Yoga Pose in Nature

I still remember my first Yoga lesson back in 2008. At the time I used to cycle, do step, aerobics and body combat classes but I still had back and neck pain. So my then office mate suggested I went along with her just to give Iyengar Yoga a try. I thought that doing a class with no music, no speed and no choreography involved wouldn’t be at all my cup of tea, but I was willing to see if it helped improve the mobility of my spine. Sure enough, when I got there and was instructed to lie down I almost fell asleep… Then came the first few Yoga postures (asanas): the names made me laugh but I found the body alignments challenging and in spite of being quite fit I had very little balance indicating a lack of core strength.

The hour went by slowly and to be honest I wasn’t very impressed with it as it didn’t feel I had had a workout until the following day when I noticed that every single one of my back muscles was aching. I decided there and then that it didn’t matter whether I enjoyed Yoga or not: my body simply needed it badly and so did my mind. Even though the first few minutes at the beginning of each Yoga class when we were asked to simply lie down and breathe deeply made me yawn, I soon realised that I wasn’t bored but simply relaxed, a state that was so alien to me that my body confused it with sleep.

1coupon-75%personal-development-coursesAs you will find out by joining this course, there is more to Yoga than the reduction of physical discomfort and the ability to relax. All its benefits will be dealt in more detail in one of the sections of the course. But what else will you learn?

This course covers all the 3 core aspects of Yoga, which I remember using the acronym ARM:Vriksasana_Yoga-Asana_Nina-Mel

A – Asanas: These constitute the workout component of Yoga practice. Asanas are Yoga postures and poses aimed at strengthening your body, increasing your flexibility and energising your body and mind. The exercise will also increase your blood circulation boosting your overall wellbeing.

R – Relaxation: Relaxation Exercises are an important component of Yoga. Yoga will put you back in touch with your body as you monitor its state and any changes before and after the asanas.

M – Meditation: Yoga can occur with or without meditation but this aspect is included in the course due to its many benefits. Meditation will put you back in touch with your mind and soul so that you will be able to experience inner peace.

Who would be suited to join this Online Yoga Course?

  • If you have a busy schedule:
    Attending a weekly class can be challenging for many people who juggle family and work responsibilities. On the other hand, this course will allow you to fit in your Yoga practice with your busy schedule. Moreover, whenever you do Yoga, you will benefit from the guidance of an experienced instructor, Libby Seery.
  • If you don’t want to buy sports equipment:
    The equipment requirements are minimal. Yoga is practiced in comfortable clothing (track bottoms/leggings and t-shirt will do), barefoot (you will not need to buy trainers or other costly equipment), and on a mat. The latter is not even compulsory but depends on personal preference. This means that you could start practising Yoga right now in the comfort of your home.
  • If you have a low budget:
    If you had a look around, you might have realised how costly joining a Yoga studio can be and there’s always that one lesson that you miss either because you are ill or due to other commitments. By joining this online course you will therefore save money and never miss a class again!
  • If you have no prior experience:
    This course is designed for beginners. No prior experience of Yoga practice is assumed. On the contrary, you will be introduced to Yoga essentials gradually. Should you find some aspects of Yoga difficult, you can repeat any of the lessons again until you have mastered the technique.
  • If you want to deepen your understanding of Yoga practice:
    You might have attended a few Yoga classes without looking into the origins of this ancient practice, the philosophy behind it and the different types of Yoga. This course will increase your overall understanding and knowledge of Yoga as some lessons are specifically designed to cover these aspects.

So what are you waiting for? Join Yoga for beginners now and start reaping the many benefits of Yoga practice. I can guarantee that you will never look back, unless the asana requires it of course!