In the last few decades, medicine has evolved by leaps and bounds. Several drugs have occupied the shelves in people’s home treating them of various diseases. However, in recent times alternative treatment has been observing a steady increase in popularity as compared to prescribed drugs. Nearly 40% of adults are now reportedly using alternative treatment and are choosing to avoid drugs as much as possible.
Types of Alternative Treatment
Some of the most common alternative treatments opted by patients instead of drugs includes: Chiropractic care, Massage therapy, Exercise, Acupuncture, Biochemical Restoration and Nutrition, Yoga, Aromatherapy and Deep-tissue massage.
This shift in treatment preferences is not based on the skepticism whether prescribed drugs would effectively cure them or not. It is simply because people want to expand their options for treatments. They are leaning towards practices that do not come with a possibility of side effects and potential health risks.
Alternative medicine and treatments negate both concerns that people have with prolonged use of drugs. Although some would say that it takes longer for results to start showing with alternative treatment as compared to drugs, the good news is that results last longer and prove to be more effective.
Risks of some drugs
Prescribed drugs pose more risks for kids and elderly people, because the former are still developing and the latter are becoming weaker and weaker and their body is losing the ability to cope with diseases. For both categories, the side effects can prove to be too strong for their body to handle, such as in the case of people recovering from a serious disease. Therefore, strong drugs should be avoided as much as possible.
Moreover, some drugs that work perfectly fine for otherwise healthy young people may cause side effects in elderly people. Let us have a look at some. Anticholinergic drugs can cause side effects such as hallucinations, sleepiness, blurred vision, difficulty urinating, dry mouth and constipation in older adults. Antihistamine drugs, usually prescribed for allergies and hives, cause several side effects in elderly patients that include confusion and drowsiness. Safer medications are available, some of which include natural medication.
Some of the most commonly prescribed drugs are anti-infective drugs such as antibiotics and antiviral drugs. These can cause side effects that can directly affect the lungs. Long-term use should be avoided, especially in patients with some kidney problems.
Medications for gastrointestinal problems, such as those to cure nausea and vomiting, may cause shakiness and uncontrollable abnormal body movements. Those with frail bodies will experience these side effects more severely. Pain relievers are also prescribed to many people to offer immediate relief from bodily pains, but there may chance of seizures.
Rise of Alternative Treatment
Keeping all these issues in mind, people are turning towards alternative treatments to address various health issues. It is safer, gives efficient and long-lasting results without putting up any potential risks. It is important to consult your doctors before undergoing any treatment. For some, combination of conventional medical treatments along with alternative work the best, and for some just medical care or just alternative treatment is advised.
Author Bio:
Lisa Parker grew up in the beautiful state of Colorado and has been a nature lover since childhood. She eats organic and fresh produce and is a regularly practices yoga and meditation to keep her grounded. She currently works for Pro Chiropractic Clinics as a Patient Counsellor and strongly believes that body posture plays a vital role in giving us the strength, both inside and out. She blogs about healthy lifestyle and topics that revolve around keeping your body strong and fit. “Travel, read, learn, love yourself, dress your age and smile from ear to ear” is her moto in life.
Pro Chiropractic Clinics specializes in chiropractic and/or acupuncture for the treatment of headaches, neck pain, low back discomfort, sciatica and other painful conditions. Pain can be caused by anything from an earlier injury to a recent auto accident, but instead of using pain medication or considering surgery, patients often find that chiropractic treatment is the best alternative. Many also seek care for asthma, sinusitis, ear infections, allergies, thyroid problems, diabetes, hypertension, hormonal testing, and other conditions not commonly associated with chiropractic care. Dr. George Krasowsky is a licensed chiropractor and treats such conditions with more than just spinal adjustments; he combines chiropractic with nutritional, fitness and lifestyle counseling for all-round results.