Using various meditation, awareness strategies, and a seven step guideline for natural eating, Geneen Roth has helped thousands of people establish a positive and healthy relationship with food.
Emotional eating is a fairly common trait—yet often not talked about—among both women and men of all ages. It’s the trait of eating for comfort rather than actual hunger, and quite often involves unhealthy food.
When Food is Food & Love is Love: A Step-by-Step Spiritual Program to Break Free From Emotional Eating (Sounds True) is an audio program by Roth that guides listeners through various strategies designed to break emotional eating habits.
Author Geneen Roth
As one of the first authors to bring to light the connection between bingeing and purging, and emotional and spiritual distress, Geneen Roth has shared her personal experiences with overeating and starvation with thousands of people with the goal of helping them sort through their own emotional eating habits.
Author of eight books, including the bestsellers Feeding the Hungry Heart: The Experience of Compulsive Eating (Plume) and When Food is Love: Exploring the Relationship Between Eating and Intimacy (Plume), Roth has appeared on numerous national television shows, such as The Oprah Winfrey Show, 20/20, and Good Morning America. Roth has contributed articles to Good Housekeeping Magazine and Prevention Magazine, and has released several self-help audio lectures, meditations, and at-home programs.
Eating a Reflection of Beliefs
Roth believes how we eat is a direct reflection of how we view ourselves in life, and represents “beliefs about trust, pleasure, deprivation, and nourishment.” Eating reflects our perceptions toward money, love, self-image, joy, pain, and more.
Roth encourages us to establish an ideal relationship with food, then plot the steps towards achieving this ideal. She notes that this is the most effective approach to take instead of dieting, as it discourages the bingeing that precedes periods of purging.
Instead of turning to food, Roth wants us to feel the feeling and decipher where exactly in our body that feeling makes us uncomfortable. She notes that by being present in our body, we can realize that food is a nutritional source and not an emotional crutch. Our physical heath will improve with a new relationship towards eating, and our emotions can be embraced, felt, and expressed positively.
To learn more, please click > Interview with Geneen Roth
Develop Healthy Relationship with Food & Feelings
In When Food is Food & Love is Love, available as a 6 CD set or audio download, Roth explains how eating habits form because of more reasons that just biological hunger urges. Emotional eating occurs when food is used to cover up feelings that make us uncomfortable, or to delay experiencing undesired emotions. Roth encourages listeners to establish a good relationship with food by first beginning to listen to what the body is saying rather than what the mind wants.
Her step-by-step program includes:
- visualization strategies;
- approaches to guided eating;
- meditation;
- strategies on understanding why we eat the way we do; and
- tips on how to achieve freedom from dieting.
As an author with first-hand experience in the cycle of emotional eating, Roth offers invaluable inspiration with the program When Food is Food & Love is Love. Listeners will benefit greatly from her guidance and learn to understand how their emotions directly affect eating habits. If it’s time for a new relationship with food and better understanding of emotions, this is the audio program that can help.
For more information, please click > When Food is Food & Love is Love by Geneen Roth