Safety Tips for Seniors Who Live Independently


It is a proven fact that most seniors would like to be able to live out their retirement days in the comfort of their own home. As with the aging process comes the decline of both physical and mental health, it is imperative for seniors and their families to diverge a plan to keep them safe. With higher risks of falling, or becoming the victim of a home invasion or cybercrime, safety and security should be at the top of the list. Below are a few safety tips to consider to help mom and dad live independently longer.

  • Remove Tripping Hazards – Seniors are more susceptible to falling and injuring themselves. Survey the house to check for tripping hazards. Electrical cords, an uneven porch, or even a broken floor tile or damaged plank of wood can cause you to trip and fall. Try to make the necessary repairs and remove them from the home.
  • Install Railings, Safety Grips, and Grab Bars– As you age, your balance becomes off-kilter increasing the risk of falling. To improve safety for seniors living alone, installing railings and safety grips is advised. First Street Online senior care products catalogshave several safety grips and railings you can install inside and outside of the home. From bathroom safety grips for getting out of the tub or shower without slipping to no drill grab bars, you’ll find a lot of senior care safety products to help with balance and mobility.
  • Invest in Home Security Systems – Seniors are more likely to be victims of home invasions and robberies than a middle-aged adult. They are assumed to be easier targets and not fully aware of their surroundings. To minimize the potential of you or an aging loved one from being robbed invest in a home security system. Newer security systems come complete with home automation features, and medical alert systems so that help is always a button click away.
  • Consider Lifts, Elevators, and Chairs for Seniors – Mobility and flexibility are two main problems for aging adults. The ability to get up and down stairs and in and out of chairs is not as easy as it once was. As such, considering safety options like lifts, elevators, and chairs will ensure seniors can get around without an issue. Stair lifts, for instance, are installed next to the stairs. They are designed to help wheel-chair bound or those with mobility issues get up and down stairs.
  • Protection from Cyberattacks – The elderly are often the prime victims for cyber-attacks. From identity theft and cash schemes to viruses and malware, there is a lot to be worried about online. To protect yourself or a senior in your life from being attacked online you should first have a discussion with them about common scams to look out for. You should also consider investing in antivirus software and block any fraudulent websites.
  • Have an Emergency Escape Plan – Emergencies can happen at any time and as a senior, you won’t have the same agility to deal with the problem at hand. Having a plan in place ahead of time can reduce the amount of stress you’re under and help you navigate an emergency. Create an emergency plan with your loved ones. This should include who to call as well as a meeting place.
  • Get to Know Your Neighbors – Believe it or not, your neighbors are often the first people to help when there’s trouble. If you haven’t done so, take the time now to get acquainted with your neighbors. Knowing who they are and building a connection with them gives you a plethora of resources you can turn to should something go wrong. Who knows, your neighbors could be the ones to alert the authorities if something is wrong, contact your family members if you’re unable to, and just look out for your overall well-being.

Living independently is something most seniors would like to have happen. If you or an aging loved one in your family is fortunate enough to still be living on their own, take necessary precaution to keep them safe. By following safety and health tips, investing in a few devices for improved comfort and function, and getting familiar with your surroundings, you’ll find that staying home (or leaving mom and dad home) by yourself isn’t as challenging as it seems.