Everest College is Located in Ontario, California Offers Massage Classes

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Massage Schools in California at Everest
College – Ontario

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Are you becoming frustrated from searching through the available massage therapy schools?

Southern California’s
Everest College in Ontario may be the solution to your dilemma. They offer small class sizes, highly professional
instructors and a comprehensive education balanced between classroom studies and hands-on education.

Of the massage schools in California, you’ll be happy to know that Everest stands with the very best. Holding full
accreditation, you can rest assured that your studies can fully prepare you to obtain your professional license
upon graduation.

The massage educational training and certification you’ll receive upon passing the state exam is designed to prepare you to help people feel better through the use
of your sense of touch and you manual dexterity skills. You can make a positive difference in the lives of your clients
while performing satisfying work both spiritually and financially.

At Everest your studies will include:

Everest Massage Program

Click the following link to learn how you can enter this in-demand career field. Then enter your information in the school’s confidential online request form and you will promptly receive all the details to help you determine if Ontario campus is the right choice for you.

Click here to learn about > Everest
College in Onatario
, California


Career Statistics for Massage Therapists

In 2004, massage therapists held about 97,000 jobs in the U.S., and the need for trained therapists is
radiply growing.

There are over 80 different types of massage modalities offering therapists continual opportunity to
expand their practices.

Although massage therapy has been practiced for at least 2,400 years, the first true documentation in
the Western culture noting the benefits of massage was recorded by Hippocrates around the year 400 B.C.E.


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