What To Do After Removing Your Wisdom Teeth

Removing your wisdom teeth sounds pretty scary, but it doesn’t have to be. You can follow a number of tips to minimize any soreness and swelling and put you on the fast-track toward recovery.


What are Wisdom Teeth?


Your mouth is constantly evolving. Getting wisdom teeth is a major milestone in its evolution. Wisdom teeth are the third molars that appear at the back of your mouth between 17 and 21 years of age. They are useful for chewing your food.

It can be uncomfortable when wisdom teeth are appearing, but it should not be painful. If a person experiences pain as their wisdom teeth are erupting, they should see a dentist.


Why Do They Get Removed?


There are a number of reasons why a dentist might feel it’s best to remove your wisdom teeth. If there is not enough space from them to erupt, or they emerge in the wrong position, then your wisdom teeth may need to be removed. When wisdom teeth fail to cut through the gums or grow past the jawbone, they are said to be impacted. Wisdom teeth may also be removed so braces can be fixed.


How Are Wisdom Teeth Removed?


Wisdom teeth are removed by cutting the gums for the jawbone to get to the wisdom teeth and remove them. Extraction typically takes 45 minutes and is often done under anesthesia.

When they have been removed, you will need to look after the incisions to make sure that they heal well.

Your dentist will usually ask you to go for a follow-up visit within a week to 10 days.


Who Should You Consult About Removing Wisdom Teeth?


Oral surgeons, cosmetic dentists, and periodontists all have the training required to remove teeth. Oral surgeons have specific dental surgery training that includes removal of wisdom teeth. This is important in case there is a complication with your case.


How Long Does it Take to Recover from Removing Wisdom Teeth?


Recovery typically takes one to two days, but it can take as much as several weeks. Recovery is even longer for people who have impacted wisdom teeth.

Your age is one of many factors that influence the speed at which you heal. The younger a person is, the faster they heal. The younger you are when your wisdom teeth come out, the less likely you are to have complications, because your bone is softer. If you are older, the bone density is greater, so removing the teeth is harder, and so, recovery takes longer.

Blood clots will appear within 24 hours of extraction. These clots prevent bleeding, aid in the growth of new tissue and protect against infection.
You shouldn’t experience any pain, although you will have swelling and some soreness. If you have any stitches, these will dissolve within 7 to 10 days.

The swelling and soreness usually go away within a week.

It takes the mouth several weeks to fully heal.


How Should You Work Through Your Recovery?


The most important thing is to follow your dentist’s post-extraction regimen.

To speed up recovery, you should avoid alcohol, driving or operating machinery in the first 24 hours after the extraction. If you experience any swelling or soreness, you should rest during that 24-hour period.

You should also stick to soft foods for the first week. Don’t eat any foods with fine grains or seeds, because these can get stuck in the extraction socket.

Rinse your mouth with warm salt water after you eat or drink anything, because food particles can cause discomfort if they get stuck in the extraction socket.