Kids on Nutrition and List of Vitamin Benefits

Facts About Vitamin E, Kids on Nutrition, and List of Essential
Vitamins for Children

Do Vitamins Really Help? Can Vitamins Extend Life Span and Help Kid’s Stay Healthy?

Do vitamins really provide enough benefit to your health to justify taking them? Learn about a study of elderly
people and the vitamin benefits for kids.

Back in 1996, the August publication of the American Journal of Clinical Nutrition gave a very compelling report
on high high-potency supplements and how they extended the life span of humans.

Over eleven thousand elderly people participants joined a clinical trial to document the effects
of vitamin supplements on aging and mortality. At the completion of the study evidence clearly documented how facts
about Vitamin E and how this supplement was a large factor in the reduction of the risk of death from all causes
by thirty-four percent.

The strongest results were seen for coronary artery disease with a sixty-three percent reduction in death from
heart attacks through Vitamin E supplementation. Another impressive figure was a fifty-nine percent reduction in
cancer mortality. When adding Vitamin C
and E together, the mortality rate was reduced to forty-two percent.

This study offered significant evidence that quality vitamins are of great benefit.

Kids on Nutrition – Which Vitamins Do Children Need?

When helping your kids on nutrition this list of vitamin benefits from researchers will give you an idea on how
best to support your children’s daily supplement needs.

Researchers believe that antioxidants, such as beta-carotene, vitamin B,
vitamin C, and vitamin E may assist with maintaining a healthy immune system. Important ingredients, such as magnesium,
are necessary for proper calcium and vitamin C metabolism. Also, Zinc has proven to support infants mortality rate.

Folic acid is essential for the growth and reproduction of all body cells. Iodine is important for aiding in the
function and development of the thyroid gland. It also helps to maintain and regulate energy production in the
body and support the burning of excess fat by helping to stimulate the rate of metabolism.

All the above ingredients and much more can be found in Vaxa’s new children’s multi-vitamin/mineral supplement called Vaxa Buddies. If you are a parent or grandparent it is time to take the first step and start supplementing your child’s diet with a complete blend of essential vitamins and minerals specifically formulated for children.

More information on this can be found in our free online health magazine.