Best Natural Treatment for Rosacea and See Photos and Pictures

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Topical Treatment

Find an Effective Treatment for Rosacea – Learn How ZenMed
System Works as the Best Treatment for Rosacea

Most pharmaceutical companies involved in trans dermal product lines are focused on contraception, hormone
replacement therapy and smoking cessation.

However Zenmed, through extensive literature study, dedicated effort and long experience in herbal remedies
realized the importance of the skin as an important organ for herbal remedy application.

Many of the common diseases that constitute sever health problems to people and often lead to chronic overwhelming
illness are connected to the skin.

rosacea photosThe
pictures of Rosacea shown below give you an idea of how Rosacea effects various parts of the face.


ZenMed All Natural Skin Care Products

Rosacea Topical Treatment- Treat and Reverse the Effects of Rosacea. See Immediate Results 100%

The Zenmed products that are topically applied remedies provide controlled release of herbs directly into
the bloodstream through intact skin. This provides a number of advantages over conventional methods of herbal
administration, including:

  • Enhanced efficacy.
  • Increased safety.
  • Greater convenience.
  • By delivering a steady flow of herbs into the bloodstream over an extended period of time, trans dermal
    systems can avoid the “peak and valley” effect of a oral therapy and can enable more controlled,
    effective treatment.
  • By avoiding first pass metabolism through the gastrointestinal tract and the liver, the therapeutically
    equivalent dosage for the trans dermal delivery of certain compounds can be significantly less than the
    corresponding oral dosage, potentially reducing dosage related side-effects.
  • Easy to terminate dosing if adverse reaction occurs.

Physiological conditions in skin:

  • Dead cells and lipid accumulation in the stratum corneum decreases initial transport.
  • Sebum-pH, amount and composition alter passage.
  • Hydration of the skin (differ according to the person’s age and skin location): increased hydration usually
    increases penetration rate.
  • Thickness of the skin: Thin skin causes increased penetration rate e.g. the skin behind the ear is very
    thin while that of palm of hand is very thick.
  • Injury-Open cuts and grazes increase penetration rate.
  • Temperature: Theoretically, a positive relation is expected between skin temperature and the percutaneous
    penetration of topically applied substances. Studies showed that temperature effect with the highest
    penetration is at 38.2 degrees C.

Skin Permeation Enhancers – One literature review found more than 275 chemical compounds cited as skin penetration
enhancers. Most of those compounds were generally recognized as safe (GRAS) ingredients that would often
be considered inert by a formulator.

Complete texts concerning pharmaceutical skin penetration enhancement are available and they provide excellent
descriptions and critical reviews of this subject. Although there are many strategies to enhance skin permeation,
some of them include the use of chemical skin penetration enhancers. However ZenMed only uses natural additives

  • Alter the solubility of the active ingredient in the formulation (including super saturation), to increase
    its delivery through the skin
  • Optimize the ionization state of the active ingredients in the topical remedies (using buffered gel with
    the proper pH).
  • Enhance the skin permeation (adding natural skin permeation enhancers).

Most topical products often contain many components that are considered inert excipients with respect to the

  • Solvents and cosolvents are used to alter drug solubility or ease of processing.
  • Emulsifiers and gelling agents provide the consistency and properties expected of creams, lotions, and
  • Antioxidants and preservatives are provided to extend shelf life or ensure quality.
  • Skin permeation enhancers are added to the topical remedies to increase skin permeability by reversibly
    altering the physiochemical nature of the stratum corneum to reduce its diffusion resistance.


Zenmed Uses Natural Skin Enhancers

Iontophoresis: uses electrical potential to carry drug through the skin, by using active ingredients in buffered

Linoleic acid and alpha-linolenic: It has been found that polyunsaturated fatty
acids PUFA-Linoleic (LA), alpha-linolenic (ALA) and arachidonic acids-enhance skin permeation stronger than
monounsaturated fatty acids. The enhancement effects of fatty acids on penetration through the stratum corneum
are structure-dependent, associated with the existence of a balance between the permeability of pure fatty
acids across stratum corneum and the interaction of the acids to skin lipids.

Oleic acid: Oleic acid has been studied as a skin penetration enhancer for topically
applied medications, primarily via its action mainly on the stratum corneum lipid structure. It has been
found to increase the epidermal permeability through a mechanism involving the stratum corneum lipid membrane.
It is incorporated into skin lipid, disrupt molecular packing and alter the level of hydration and allow
drug penetrates faster.

Cod-liver-oil: The enhancing effect of the marine products could generally be associated
with their content of free unsaturated fatty acids.

Menthol derivatives as potential skin penetration enhancers. Studies showed that
the permeation enhancing effect of l-menthol is significantly high with short lag time. The promoting activity
of the ethyl ether derivative of Menthol is the greatest of all menthol derivatives. Studies showed that
it is the most promising compound which has the greatest action and relatively low skin irritancy. A study
has been made to elucidate the mechanism of skin permeation enhancement and it was concluded that the increase
in skin flux, to eight times the base line, could be attributed to the effect of menthol on the skin barrier

The mechanism of permeation enhancement of menthol has been studied by some other investigators and they concluded
that it could involve its distribution preferentially into the intercellular spaces of stratum corneum and
the possible reversible disruption of the intercellular lipid domain. They suggested the use of menthol as
effective penetration enhancer.

Squalene: Squalene was found to be a very effective skin permeation enhancer. 12%
of the human sebum is composed of Squalene to which is attributed the natural moisturizing effect of the
sebum. Studies also showed the skin soothing effect of Squalene.

Glycerol derivatives: Studies concluded that glycerol mono ethers derived from linear
saturated fatty alcohols are very effective permeation enhancers.

Herbal ingredients: have the ability to penetrate the skin fast. In vivo skin penetration
studies of the Chamomile flavones apigenin, luteolin and apigenin 7-O-beta-glucoside were carried out with
nine healthy, female volunteers. During seven hours the decline of flavonoid concentration in a saturated
aqueous alcoholic solution filled in application chambers were repeatedly measured by spectrophotometry at
fixed time periods. It was concluded, that the flavonoids are not only adsorbed at the skin surface, but
penetrate into deeper skin layers. This is important for their topical use as antiphlogistic agents.

You Can Treat and Reverse the Effects of Rosacea and See Immediate Results – 100% Guaranteed:

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