If you have some dental issues that need resolving one of the reasons why you might have put off having the work done, is because you are struggling to find some free time in your diary to commit to the course of treatment that you need.
Finding the time to pay regular visits to your dentist can be difficult when you work with such a tight and hectic weekly schedule, but a solution to this problem is now available.
There is now the possibility of opting for spending less time in the dental chair. Here is a look at what same day dentistry offers, a brief outline of the technology behind this option, plus a look at the sort of treatments you can get in one single visit to your dentist.
Benefits on both sides
The first point to make about same day dentistry is that it offers a potential saving in time and money on both sides of the chair, which should be good for you as a patient and offers benefits to the dentist too. The economics of a single visit against multiple visits makes sense to both patients and dentist alike.
If you are able to schedule a day at the dentist to get everything done in the one visit, this allows you to prepare and plan for the day and avoid the cost of repeat visits as well as trying to find the time to get there again.
Places like Aloma Dental Center who invest in the technology required to offer same day dentistry, often find that they are able to free up more available chair time with this improved level of patient efficiency, allowing them to see more patients and have greater control over their overheads, which helps to keep their costs down.
Simple procedures made easier and quicker
Certain dental treatments like teeth whitening and restoration work like having crowns fitted are the sort of things that you can sometimes struggle to find the time to visit your dentist for. This is why forward-thinking dentists are offering cosmetic dentistry solutions that can all be completed within the one visit rather than asking you to come back in over a period of time to get everything done.
This now possible thanks to progress in treatment options using equipment that makes the most of CAD/CAM technology for instance.
3D and 4D technology has helped to transform the shape of restorative dentistry and although the detailed technical aspects of what is involved are probably best left for a more scientifically qualified explanation, the main point for you as a patient, is that you are now able to get high-quality treatment options but in the quickest time available.
Whiter smile in a flash
Everyone enjoys have a brighter and whiter smile and it can give your confidence a real boost as well.
Once you enjoy that whiter smile you will want to maintain that look and pay a visit to your dentist every now and again to keep things looking at their best. Now you won’t even need to take any time off work if you want to have your teeth whitened.
You should be able to find a cosmetic dentist who can offer to perform a teeth whitening procedure that can be done during your lunch break. It can take less than an hour to enjoy a noticeable improvement in the color of your teeth and be back in time to carry on with your work for the rest of the day.
Emergency restoration
Some things you simply can’t plan for and a chipped or cracked tooth is one of those dentistry problems that simply won’t wait.
The good news is that thanks to the options now available with same day dentistry, it is possible to restore your damaged teeth on the same day you come in with the problem.
This is great for saving time as well as fixing the problem as quickly as possible. Another benefit is the fact that you won’t then have to wear a temporary solution while you wait for another appointment to get the tooth fixed.
Crowns in a day
If you have been putting off getting dental crowns because you can’t find the time to schedule in the usual two or three appoints often needed to complete the work, this can now potentially be done in just one visit.
Getting your crowns done in just one day means you no longer have to stress about trying to find the time to fix your teeth. Spending less time in the chair is now definitely an option as a result of same day dentistry.
Grace Haynes is a trainee dentist in her final year of college. She enjoys sharing her research and findings online.