Alternative Healing and Holistic Health Information on The
Ancient Art of Foot Reflexology
Foot reflexology pressure therapy is a safe holistic remedy.
Records of this ancient healing art date back as far as ancient Egypt.
Continue on to read the most frequently asked questions about foot reflexology information and wellness. If you would like to receive our free charts, click > Reflexology Foot Charts to have them emailed to you.
Foot Reflexology is very old, and was practiced as an ancient form of pressure treatment that uses the application
of focused pressure on known “reflex” points that are found in the foot. The various points
correspond to areas on and within the body.
When a person receives a foot reflexology treatment they may benefit from increased circulation as well as
relaxation. A session promotes the release of tensions. Although there are many other benefits, (for which
empirical proof may not yet exist). But recipients have noted that this ancient tool does promote the clearing
of emotional debris. And therapists have evidence that reflexology helps with the release of toxins from
of organs, tired cells and tissues are rejuvenated, the auric field responds by balancing, the body is more
grounded, and reflexology helps to facilitate other energy methods offering a synergistic
The age of those first practicing reflexology is not known. There is , substantial information
that suggests Foot Reflexology and other forms of pressure point therapy may have been used as are back as
five thousand years. This is noted both in China and Egypt.
In fact, in Corinthians, in the
bible, there are references which suggests that the early Christians knew about the practice and benefits.
Perhaps the tradition of washing the feet and anointing the feet with oil carried medicinal significance,
in addition to the traditional teachings associated with humility and being of service.
According to one text on the subject, The Art of Reflexology shares that modern reflexology springs from
the research of Sir Henry Head of London clear back in the 1890’s. By the way, The Art of Reflexology is
out of print.
The new version from Dougans is:
Complete Illustrated Guide to Reflexology: Therapeutic Foot Massage for Health and Well-Being.
A Personal Account of Working with Reflexology Therapy
As with all the healing modalities I incorporate into my work, I can best speak from my own perspective of
the work and the effects I have personally witnessed. My first experiential contact with Foot Reflexology
occurred when I received a complementary treatment from a very experienced reflexologist. I was working at
a new age fair and really did not feel very well. I was having great difficulty integrating the energies
and did not yet know enough about those sorts of situations to balance. The effects of the treatment were
near-miraculous. I felt light and joyful for hours afterwards, and yet, I was able to be more focused and
grounded in my work than before. At that moment, I decided I would learn the modality, simply because the
proof of the effectiveness was so evident to me, by personal experience.
Since I began utilizing foot reflexology in my work, I have been repeatedly amazed at how accurately the feet
reveal the state of the body. If I am working with someone who has severe sinusitis, for example, there will
be a temporary but excruciating tenderness in the sinus reflexes on the feet. The physical results are often
quick and very easily documented as a result of the treatment.
I was intuitively guided to integrate the use of reflexology with all the other modalities God sends through
me, and found that the spiritual aspects of this form of work were as exact and powerful as the physical.
For example, if a person were having great difficulty communicating something, the throat chakra of the foot
would be sore and tender. There have been cases where a spontaneous release of suppressed expression has
occurred simply by my working the throat reflex. The person would simply “explode” in verbal release
of something they had needed to say.
One important note concerns the location of the reflexes themselves. In the beginning, I was very confused
about this because every text I read seemed to have certain reflexes in different places. Who was right,
I wondered?
As my experience grew, I began to see that they were all right some of the time. Each person’s foot was unique
and individual. I learned to find the reflexes by intuition and Spirit-direction. I have no idea if any other
reflexologist works this way–it is the way the gift has unfolded for me, and I trust the process.
Reflexology is easy to do and learn, and I would encourage those with an interest in methods that offer alternative healing approaches to study reflexology. It is easy to integrate into other health modalities such as massage or energy healing. A client will enjoy and benefit from a brief reflexology
treatment at the end of their session to assist in balancing, grounding, and even body detox.
Frequently Asked Questions about Foot Reflexology
Q. Is reflexology a form of massage?
A. The answer is no. Reflexology is not massage though it may feel similar.
It is the active stimulation of specific reflex points on the foot that correspond to certain areas of the
body and, as such, it is typically exempt from the licensing requirements a massage therapist faces.
Q. Can reflexology help constipation?
A. Wow, can it ever! Reflexology is one of the quickest and most effective ways to help the bowels decide
to move that I’ve ever seen. Much quicker than laxatives, which can create dependency or cramping. Of course,
if one has colitis, irritable bowel, Crohn’s or other colon problems, reflexology is certainly not intended
to replace any needed medical attention.
Q. Does doing reflexology require special training?
A. If you are only going to work on yourself and your friends and family, then all that you need to learn
can be achieved by purchasing a good book on reflexology and maybe the terrific “reflexology socks” below.
However, if you intend to work with others as a reflexologist, I recommend that you get more training. You
can go through the extensive training to be nationally certified but I don’t know that it is necessary to
go to such lengths unless the state where you want to practice requires it. There are also many different
length courses on reflexology.
Q. Is there ever any time it is NOT good to do reflexology on a person?
A. I would not do reflexology if a person has blood clots or if they have any type of open sore or wound on
the foot. In the case of sores or wounds, you can always work the hand of that same side, for similar results.
Combining Foot Reflexology and Essential Oils
Alternative Healing Tip: Using Essential Oils in Reflexology Treatments: There’s controversy on whether to
use oils or powder when doing reflexology. . I’m in the oil group. You don’t have to dig into a reflex to
activate it and I find that essential oils facilitate the session.
Click here for
great oils at a great price.
Reflexology Complementary Therapy
Flower Essences: Flower essences work directly with both the electrical and the
central nervous systems. By taking the correct essences, we immediately balance the electrical system, stabilize
the nervous system and stop the domino effect that leads to illness. Flower Essences are a delicate but very
powerful way to help the body maintain balance, electrical alignment and good Chi or energy flow. They work
best when used at a time when you can focus your own intent and prayers, on healing and balance.
More Resources to Help You
Holistic Health FAQ’s: Reflexology and Detoxification: Sometimes
a good reflexology treatment can facilitate detoxing. I know it usually works exceedingly well for constipation
too. To read about detoxing, in general, and what to expect from a detox or healing crisis, just click
here to read my comprehensive, 3 part article on detoxification.