Coconut Oil for Eliminating Dandruff – Find Organic and Natural Hair Products, Skin Care, and Shower and Bath Products
By Meera Manek
I was just thirteen or fourteen when my scalp went from bad to worse. It wasn’t like dandruff the white flecks were much larger than just dots. It was almost as bad as a baby’s cradle cap. I started massaging coconut oil into my hair the night before I washed it twice a week. Gradually, the itchiness reduced and there were hardly any white specks falling out of my hair.
Coconut oil is something I have kept up now for over ten years. Not only has it tamed the dandruff, but the condition of my hair has improved. When I haven’t used it for a couple of months, the itching will start coming back and my hair won’t feel as silky.
Recently, however, when my dandruff began to attack again (despite the coconut oil), I did some research on home remedies and discovered that vinegar (yes the malt vinegar we put on our chips) mixed with lemon is something that has helped a lot of people. Since I hate using chemicals to combat any such problems, I decided to give it a go, even though vinegar seemed an odd thing to be rubbing into my scalp.
So, I put coconut oil in my hair at night, and the next morning, an hour before I washed my hair, I would spray and rub vinegar and lemon juice into my hair (on average, the proportions are 1 to 1). Of course, it is a little smelly, but this subsides within a few minutes. Now, a month later, my itchiness and dandruff has once again come in line and my hair is back to normal, (reborn!)
There are, of course, other home remedies prescribed for dandruff such as soaking fenugreek seeds overnight in water, grounding them into a fine paste and applying this is the morning or rubbing curd into your hair. Different remedies work for different people, but I would say that coconut oil should be your first point of call!
Learn More About the Benefits of Coconut Oil Products for Skin and Health
More About Holistic and Natural Haircare Products
It is becoming more and more obvious with cancer on the rise that it is important to read the labels of your body care products.
Most main stream manufacturers use ingredients that are cheap and outdated. Many toxic ingredients, like sodium
laural and laureth sulfate (SLS) and propylene glycol are the main ingredients in store bought personal care items.
buying inexpensive baby bath products often SLS is the very first listed ingredient. These ingredients also go
by other names. If you want to learn more, look up the Material Data Safety sheets, and they give a long list of
alternate names.
These ingredients were grandfathered in, before the FDA could outlaw them. If you read the data safety sheets on
just these two ingredients (and there are many more toxic ingredients in personal care products) you will understand
why you should never bathe, shampoo or brush your teeth with ingredients also found in anti freeze, and garage floor
The following information will help you find natural herbal personal care products for hair and skin.
Take the Tour – All Natural Body Care Products
Find great organic, natural and herbal shampoos. They have the very best ingredients and are enriched with vitamins,
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hair healthy and vibrant.
Find natural hair products that condition your hair with true herbal, vitamin and protein enriched ingredients that
are not filled with heavy oils or waxy coatings. A good conditioner isn’t meant to just detangle your hair, but to
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Find all natural body care bath and shower products containing herbs, aromatherapy, essentail oils, and vitamins
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products that nourish the skin. Natural ingredients heal, soothe and add vitality to your skin giving your skin a
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A blend of the latest technology with high quality ingredients that replenish and balance your skin. Antiaging wrinkle
creams really do help fine lines dissappear and balance your overall skin tone.
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Find a natural skin care system that is one of the best in the world, containing organic ingredients blended with
the latest in scientific research.
Are You at Risk for Skin Cancer?
We were really shocked at the statistics on skin cancer as stated at The Skin Cancer
Did you know the two groups with the highest skin cancer incidence in national screenings are men over age 50 with
a changing mole or fair skin, and men under age 50 with a changing mole or fair skin?
However, perhaps even more shocking, given the seriousness of melanoma is this statistic: Melanoma kills more young
women than any other cancer. The incidence of melanoma is increasing rapidly in women under the age of 40. It is
now the most common cancer in young women aged 25-29, and second only to breast cancer in women aged 30-34.