Platelet-Rich Plasma Therapy: Benefits and Risks

Cosmetic procedures

What is Platelet-Rich Plasma therapy?

Kim Kardashian made this cosmetic procedure famous with a selfie of yourself on Instagram post her procedure. That is the platelet-rich plasma therapy. This is a cosmetic procedure where by your own blood is used to rejuvenate your skin. A small amount of blood is drawn. Then the blood is placed in a centrifuge where the blood will be spun at a high speed. This action will result that the blood will divide into white and red blood cells and the clear fluid which is the plasma. The plasma is then used, after it is enriched, to be injected into the areas of the skin to promote your own collagen to grow, regenerates tissue, and thus acts as to naturally smooth and tighten the skin. In this way, platelet-rich plasma softens wrinkles and creating smoother skin texture and tone.

The procedure is also known as the vampire facelift. A term the cosmetic surgeon Charles Runels trademarked to refer to the treatment.

The results will leave you looking more a youthful appearance, reversing the signs of aging of looking tired and having sagging skin.

Cosmetic procedure

The benefits of this procedure is to

This treatment is an alternative to fillers and even Botox. Whereas fillers such as hyaluronic acid fillers that are solid material that fills the lines and skin folds. Used to soften deep line and last for 6 -18 moths, with repeated treatments.

Platelet-rich plasma therapy differs, as it stimulates your own collagen to grow for visual rejuvenation instead of wrinkle improvement. Resulting in a more natural outcome, which fillers can achieve.

Therefore, platelet-rich plasma therapy is for you if you have wrinkles or scars on your face, neck or hands and want them treated. But also if you have dark circles and puffiness under your eyes. Also if you have sagging skin around your cheeks, eyes, and mouth. This treatment will also help to brighten, and firm your skin, and to make it look healthy.

The changes in the skin when applying platelet-rich plasma therapy is that it grows new collagen when injected into the skin. Thereby bringing you back a more youthful appearance, as it pumps the skin up.

This treatment can also soften sun damage.

What to expect during and after the platelet-rich plasma therapy procedure

Your doctor will draw around 1 vial of blood from you. The blood will then be spun for 6 minutes in a centrifuge at a pre-set speed to split the plasma from the red and white blood cells. The top layer, namely the plasma, is then used and enriched with minerals. This is then injected into your skin. But while the platelet-rich plasma therapy is being prepared, they will clean your skin and prepare it for the treatment.

The injections take a few moments, and are only mildly uncomfortable. The procedure is relatively quick. About 15 minutes in total. It is also relatively painless, and requires no post procedure care or time off from daily events. Mild swelling, redness, or bruising fade within 1-3 days. The Platelet-Rich Plasma is made from your own cells, virtually eliminating the possibility of negative side effects.

Results begin to show 3-4 weeks after the treatment session and continue to improve with time. Three treatment sessions are generally recommended, spaced 1-2 months apart, to achieve the best outcome.

Platelet-Rich Plasma therapy can be combined with laser treatments, microdermabrasion, chemical peels, Restylane, Juvederm, and Botox.

The results are subtle, with gradual improvement in the injected area over a 3- to 5-week period. Full correction occurs at 4-7 weeks and can last as long as 18 months.

What are the risks?

A the treatment makes use of your own stem cells, rejection such in the case of some fillers and even Botox will not occur. Plus, since the injections are small, there aren’t any visible scarring.

Because this filler is made from the patient’s own blood, there is no risk for rejection, infection, or an allergic reaction.

• Bumps or lumps in skin under injection points or reaction
• Skin imperfections
• Possibility of infection
• Bruises or swelling
• Temporary skin soreness or numbness

Luckily risks are extremely rare. But a proper consultation is needed so that you can discuss the benefits and risks with your doctor. In the end any cosmetic procedure is a personal choice, that should be made with informed decisions.


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