Natural Hemp and Its Ecology and History
Hemp Is Legendary, its durability unparalleled.
Until the advent of synthetics, cannabis hemp had been the standard fiber of the world. Rich in cellulose
the true hemp plant is ideal for all types of textiles and material making.
From the canvas sails and ropes aboard the clipper ships to the Conestoga wagon covers, the first choice was
always hemp. In fact, the word canvas derives from cannabis.
The term “Hemp” has been used generically to describe several different fiber species. And cannibas
Hemp is an annual crop which thrives without chemical applications. This makes Hemp a environmentally friendly
and safe crop. As the plant matures, leaves drop off and decompose into the soil, adding rich nutrients.
This makes this crop an incredible resource for its use whereever its plant fiber can be utilized as well
as sustaining the planet’s soil.
Really, hemp can be the answer to so many of todays issues, like cutting down our forrests, and the need for
durable building material without depleting our planets resources. It is also nature’s strongest soft fiber,
and it’s the world’s premiere sustainable resource.
Hemp Economy
Currently all hemp seed and fiber is imported; sending millions of dollars as far away as China and Eastern
Europe. Hemp is being used today by hundreds of businesses around the world. Firms like: The Body Shop, BMW,
GM/Canada and Mercedes Benz are incorporating hemp as a resource. Designers from Armani, Calvin Klein, Patagonia
and others are responding to consumer interest and demand for hemp based products. Eventually hemp cultivation
in America will benefit the local job and tax base. The domestic industries that would be boosted include
agriculture, construction, cosmetics, energy, food, fuel, furniture, paper, plastics, recycling, retailing,
and textiles.
Hemp Ecology
Hemp grows throughout the world. Many industrial grade varieties are adapted to the Northern hemisphere where
it thrives. Hemp is among the earth’s primary renewable resources: Trees cut down to make paper can take
fifty years to grow back while hemp can be cultivated in as little as one hundred days, and according to
the U.S.D.A., can yield four times more paper over a twenty year period. Hemp produces three times as much
fiber per acre as cotton. While cotton is grown on only 3% of the world’s farmland, it takes a staggering
25% of the world’s pesticides.
As people educate and reeducate themselves, begin demanding hemp products, adapt hemp materials in their manufacturing,
perhaps we can turn our obsessive use of materials that take away from our environment.
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