Try B-T Plus 24-Hour Weight Loss Program

24 Hour Weight Loss Program –
Metabolizes Unwanted Excess Body Weight

B-T Plus restores your body’s own ability to control weight, thus allowing weight to be lost the way nature intended
it. B-T

Plus works to safely “tune-up” the body’s metabolic control centers. The ingredients in this multi-dimensional
formula supports the body to curb your appetite so you eat less and less often. It also, increases fat metabolism
so you burn excess fat and have more energy. You will also improve your mental acuity and state of mind.

B-T Plus Weight Loss ProgramThis
is a wonderful combination of benefits built into a simple 24 hour weight loss program that is based on homeopathics.
So you can have a weight loss program that helps you metabolize unwanted weight safely without over-stimulation of
the Central Nervous System. You will not have any adverse side-effects, no nervous “jitters” or underlying
anxiety, no moodiness, and no sleep disruption or deprivation. Vaxa, the creator of this unique formula also offers
a 30-day money back guarantee.

Support for Your Thyroid Gland

B-T Plus eliminates diet failure caused by a lack of support to the thyroid gland, which is known to have direct
impact on metabolism, body temperature, and weight loss.

Each B-T Plus Weight Loss Program provides you with 120 Capsules per bottle. Adults (18 years or older), should
take two capsules with breakfast and one or two capsule mid-afternoon when wanting to lose weight.

Learn More or Try B-T Plus 24-Hour Weight
Loss Program

Winsor Pilates Program

Pilates is one of the hottest fitness trends in America. Why? Because it works! Originally developed by Joseph Pilates
nearly a century ago, Mari Winsor has taken his time-honored approach to fitness to a whole new level. Her unique
Winsor Pilates program is designed to tone and sculpt your entire body and help you lose weight, all at the same

The key is Mari’s exclusive dynamic sequencing – a special combination of controlled movements that’s guaranteed
to shape and sculpt long, lean muscles. Mari’s sought after by some of the biggest stars in Hollywood to help them
quickly transform their bodies and achieve incredible results. Winsor Pilates has worked for Mari’s clients and
we’re sure it will work for you too!

More information on this can be found in our free online health magazine.