As a society, we’re overly conscious of physical appearance and maintaining a youthful look.
We seek to appear younger although we don’t often look after our insides or emotional well being.
Many of us rely on plastic surgery, expensive cosmetics and anti-aging creams rather than doing what really works.
True youth and vitality are not found in a bottle or in a surgeon’s office. Read what JB Berns has to share about staying young.
60 Second Exercises
JB Berns, health and fitness consultant to the stars, has developed an easy to follow system of 60 second practices that can help everyone live better, stronger and longer.
His recent book, Do It or Age Quickly, offers secrets to maintaining a youthful appearance, a healthy mind, and a slim and sexy body.
The path to youth and vitality can be easy, and can take very little time to maintain.
JB Berns gleaned simple and realistic lifestyle changes from specialists in yoga, martial arts and Taoist medicine and packed them into his easy to follow guide to anti-aging.
Health Issues that Relate to Aging
Do It or Age Quickly teaches JB Berns foolproof methods for regaining and maintaining youth and health that anyone can easily master.
These techniques address a multitude of health issues related to aging that directly influence how well an individual looks and feels. And the proof of the Do It or Age Quickly program is in the creator himself. JB Berns, at the age of 40, appears at least a decade younger.
Do It Quickly Benefits
The methods taught in Do It or Age Quickly offer a variety of benefits including achieving a firm body without weights, improved sexual health and performance, staying slim and sexy by proper food combining, improving energy flow, and maintaining a slim and sexy body.
Sixty second exercises, breathing methods, diet corrections, mind power techniques, health products and supplements specific to certain health issues are laid out in easy to understand advice. Do It or Age Quickly is a concise, yet in depth guide to natural health enhancement and anti-aging.
In Do It or Age Quickly there are hundreds of effective solutions for common health issues. Find out what Taoist exercise turns back the clock and extends a woman’s reproductive years. Learn simple stretches that correct posture, increase range of motion, and prevent stiffness and fatigue.
Start using visualization techniques that control stress and prevent premature aging. Prevent cancer by avoiding known carcinogens in common products. Practice simple exercises that improve male sexual performance. Lose weight easily and stay fit in minutes a day.
A Top Personal Trainer
JB Berns is one of the top ten personal trainers in America and trains celebrities including movie star and martial arts practitioner Jackie Chan.
He’s the creator of the Urban Rebounder exercise system and co-creator of Jackie Chan’s Cableflex System.
JB Berns lives in New York City and stays healthy and in top shape by using the “Do It or Age Quickly” system.