How to Relieve Muscle Soreness

When your muscles are really sore, it sometimes feels almost like you cannot move at all. Even smaller movements and gestures take a lot of effort and cause discomfort. As you grow older, your muscles start to weaken and strenuous activities can take a greater toll and make you suffer more, and for longer.


The good news is that there are some ways to get relief from muscle soreness. Here are just a few of the top tips:


Cherry juice

Cherry juice has been around for a long time. However, it was only recently that it was dubbed a ‘superfood’. This is due to its extremely high levels of antioxidants, which research has revealed are even higher than those in pomegranates. Antioxidants can help you get relief from muscle pain, so why not try adding cherry juice to your next workout smoothie.



This popular all natural supplement is very effective in relieving muscle pain following an intense muscle training or hard-hitting cardio session. Creatine is actually an amino acid that helps energise the cells in your body. When you have more creatine in the body, more muscle cells are repaired. Some people report a few mild side effects though, such as stomach bloating.

Mushroom extract

Mushrooms have been used for their medicinal purpose for a very long time. It helps activate ATP which is an energy powerhouse in the cells. As a result, your cells are cleansed and your muscles are relieved from pain, all without taking stimulants that are considered harmful to the body.


Use compression sleeves

You can use a special compression sleeve to relieve pain in the affected areas of your body; arm and calf sleeves being the most popular. They have a soothing effect to that helps temporarily decrease muscle soreness, and aids recovery. Have one ready to use when you feel muscle soreness.


Epsom salts

These bath salts contain high levels of magnesium, which acts as a natural muscle relaxant. When you these salts are added to your nice warm bath, the skin absorbs the key mineral, the muscles relax, and eventually recover.



It might be surprising to see caffeine on the list, but a lot of people can attest to the effectiveness of caffeine for the relief of muscle soreness. It has also been proven to reduce pain in a number of important clinical trials. The amount of caffeine in just two cups of coffee is enough to help you feel relief from muscle soreness, so be careful about going overboard as coffee is a stimulant.


These are just some of the strategies you can use to relieve your muscle pain and speed up the recovery process. These tips could have a big impact when used collectively, but you still have to be careful in doing strenuous activities in the first place.