How to Age Gracefully

When it comes to the subject of aging with grace, most of us have the advice ingrained in our heads. We know that we should eat the right foods, exercise, get enough sleep, not smoke and not drink a lot of alcohol. Doctors also advise their patients to start taking care of themselves while they are still young.

The good news is that a regimen that can give you better heart health can also help benefit your metabolism, brain, mood and skin. It does not take rocket science to learn the basics of aging well, it just takes motivation, energy and skin care. After all, who does not want to look as refreshed and youthful as they would if they had found a surgeon on Zwivel and booked a facelift?

Read the following tips for graceful aging, and think of some of the ways you have decided to embrace aging to stay young at heart.

Regular Exercise

Most doctors and health experts recommend that a healthy adult does at least 45 minutes of cardio three to four days a week. Exercise does not only help to keep your heart healthy, it also helps improve your mood, your waistline and your brainpower.

Some older adults strength train as well. However, it is best to discuss your exercise regimen with your doctor before you begin to lift weights.

Balanced Nutrition

As people get older, their appetites may change. This is one reason why there is a high percentage of malnourished seniors in the United States. They either do not eat often enough, or they are not eating the right types of foods. A whole food, minimally processed diet will prevent weight gain and minimize the introduction of additives and preservatives in the diet.

Many physicians and nutritionists recommend a Mediterranean diet. This is a diet that consists mainly of fruits and vegetables, nuts, seeds, healthy fats and healthy protein.

Stop the Bad Habits

Smoking, drinking and drug use can age your body faster than anything else you do to your body. Left unchecked, the damage done to the body can be irreversible. This means if you smoke, stop. Alcohol consumption should also be limited, with men drinking no more than two drinks a day and women no more than one.


How many hours of sleep do you get at night?  If your answer is less than 7 hours a night, you are placing yourself at risk of developing a host of mental and physical issues. If you are having trouble falling asleep or staying asleep, speak with your physician.

Address Mental Health Issues and Get Treatment

As you enter middle age, you should not be taking emotional baggage and drama with you into the next journey of your life. Speak with a professional mental health specialist if you are having a hard time letting go of past issues. A mental health professional can also give advice on how to reduce stress in your life.


Studies have shown that older people who maintain friendships and social networks score higher on intelligence tests. These individuals also have a reduced risk of dementia.

Are you aging gracefully? What other tips would you recommend to older adults to help them embrace the aging process as physically, mentally and emotionally healthy as possible?