Demystifying Homocysteine – Check Your Risk Factors for Elevated
Homocysteine Levels
What is all the hype and mystery surrounding this new buzz word in the medical community?
Homocysteine is an amino acid and a toxic chemical that can accumulate in the body. Normally, it is broken
down into methionine and cysteine (two essential amino acids), but because of genetics and/or nutritional
deficiencies, it can become elevated, and therefore become a risk factor for heart disease.
It also promotes atherosclerosis (formation of plaque in the arteries), and abnormal blood clotting. It can
injure the lining of the arteries that supply blood to the heart by thickening them. Even mild elevations
in homocysteine have been shown to correlate with an increased risk of vascular disease, including heart
attack, stroke, coronary artery disease, retinal artery occlusion, and deep vein thrombosis in the legs and
feet. Diabetics with high homocysteine levels are at twice the risk of dying of atherosclerosis.
A link has been found between miscarriages, premature delivery, low birth weight, maternal complications,
and babies born with neural tube defects due to folic acid deficiency and elevated homocysteine levels in
mothers during pregnancy.
One out of eight people carry the genetic defect for an increased need for folic acid, which is needed to
keep homocysteine levels in check within the body. People who smoke cigarettes have higher homocysteine levels
than non-smokers. Sedentary people also have higher levels than active people. Methotrexate and nitrous oxide
can elevatehomocyteine levels. And levels of homocysteine increase after the age of sixty.
The single most cause of elevated homocysteine levels is the deficiency of one or all three of the B vitamins
needed to rid the body of excess homocysteine. These vitamins include: Vitamin B6, Vitamin B12, and folic
acid, therefore making suplementation of these vitamins necessary for people at risk, as mentioned above,
and who have elevated homocysteine levels.
A healthy lifestyle of regular exercise, vegan or vegetarian diets, stress management, non-smoking, and abstaining
from coffee, caffeine, and alcohol, are all important factors in keeping homocysteine levels down in the
body. If you don’t know what your homocysteine level is, please ask your doctor to test this important substance
in your body. It is a simple blood test and now you know why it is so important!
By Dr. Leia Melead
Are you suffering from, or at risk for, heart disease, Alzheimer’s disease or many other chronic illnesses? NSI Homocysteine Formula can lower your homocysteine levels. Lower homocysteine levels are shown to decrease risk of these debilitating diseases.
Lowering Homocysteine Levels
There are several risk factors that can cause homocysteine levels to increase or become elevated to the point
of causing health concerns. They include, but are not limited to:
- Genetic factors, including family history of coronary heart disease, atherosclerosis or stroke (especially
manifesting before the age of 50) - Increased age
- Post Heart Attack (Framingham Study)
- Post-Stroke (Framingham Study)
- Regular alcohol use
- Regular smoking or tobacco use
- Diabetes
- Hypothyroidism
- Kidney dialysis
- Menopause
- Taking folate-inhibiting medication, such as methotrexate, phenytoin and theophyline
Balance Your Homocysteine Levels
Researchers have noted in the last several years that elevations of homocysteine found in the body’s blood increase the risk of heart attack, stroke, and even dementia.
You will be happy to learn about this specialized formula containing Homocysteine Regulators brought to you from Now Foods. Find discounted pricing: