Ear Mites in Cats & Dogs – Natural Remedy Treatment – Mite Cure

Holistic Health Solutions for Getting Rid of Ear Mites – Natural
and Allopathic Options

Ear mite information shares helpful tips for getting rid of ear mites through natural ear mite treatment suggested
by a holistic vet, plus traditional ear mite medicines.

These little parasites are maddening for animals,
causing intense itching and often leading to ear infections if left untreated.

I tried both treatments holistic and traditional treatments, and found the holistic health regimen, was effective.

But I personally had a very hard time fulfilling the 6-week commitment to this comprehensive natural remedy.

I decided to look around on the internet and see if there were some other ways of approaching ear mites that
I could live with, for the health of my cat and the vital ridding of fleas and ticks in my home.

One product that is helpful for keeping the ears in good condition is Ark Naturals Remedy. They make a natural cat and dog ear mite formula formulated by their team of veterinarians, biochemists, and scientists to gently but thoroughly clean your pet’s ears.

This approach is a step in the right direction. The following is a great article that provides another approach.

Holistic Health Remedy for Ear Mites

Brought to you by William Pollak D.V.M. and the Fairfield Animal Hospital…holistic and traditional approaches
to support the best of animal health.

I found this information when I was searching for information on treating ear mites holistically because I
hated using the stuff that they sell at the vet or in stores for ear mites. Yet, my cat Lazarus had a very
stubborn case of ear mites and I had to do something about it before he hurt his ears with all the scratching
(not to mention I felt so sorry for him!)

I happen to have some Yellow Dock tincture that I made myself and used, more or less, the regimen that Dr.
Pollack outlines below. If you don’t have Yellow Dock tincture on hand, you may have trouble finding the
tincture. I sure did. However, you can buy a small amount of Yellow Dock root very inexpensively and make
your own tincture
. It’s easier than you may think!

It’s really tough to think of doing anything like this for six weeks but I guess it’s what it takes. I altered
Dr. Pollack’s recipe a bit by adding a small amount of Ionic
Silver to kill any infection that might be present. (By the way, ionic silver can be mixed with herbs
for a healing poultice, instead of water, and applied to wounds or cuts.) Note that nothing suggested on
this page is intended to replace any needed services of a veterinarian. Treating your animals holistically
is a lot like treating yourself – don’t do it if you won’t be responsible for monitoring the results and
making the decisions. Be honest with yourself. If you are afraid to self-treat, then by all means rely on
a vet for your pet’s health.

Amazingly, Lazarus stopped scratching his ears after only two days on Dr. Pollack’s regimen so I can say that,
at least for my cat, this holistic approach was definitely effective. (Be sure to dilute the tincture since,
at full strength, it can burn a lot).

Tips for getting drops in a pet’s ears: Like most cats, Lazarus simply does not like anything being put on
him or in his ears. I got a great tip from a friend who used to work at a vet’s office. She suggested laying
the dropper across the entrance of the ear so that the liquid first went onto the outside and then drained
down, rather than trying to place the drops directly into the earlobe. Laz liked this better, for sure, but
still wasn’t happy about the whole thing. Good luck with your animal friends.

Click here to learn how to make a first aid kid for your animals.

Making Your Own Natural Remedy For Ear Mites

Ear mites are common in cats and dogs. Cats usually start them and they’re the last to be treated. Direct
physical contact is an important part of transmission from one animal to another. A cat with ear mites will
scratch its ears frequently and a deposit that looks like dried coffee grounds, black, gray or even white
will form down in the ear canals. A dog will scratch and shake its head and its ear canal may look quite
red and inflamed. Bacterial and fungal infections secondary to ear mites is another layer of imbalance. Reducing
redness and inflammation from secondary infection is the first order of business, as medications and remedies
that help kill ear mites can sometimes act as an irritant to a sensitized ear canal. Homemade, natural, Ear
mite treatment suggestion:

Step 1: Make a mixture of 1/2 ounce of almond or olive oil and 400 IU vitamin E in a dropper bottle. Warm
to body temperature and put about 1/2 dropperful in the ear, massaging the ear canal well for a minute or
so. Let your pet shake its head and then gently clean out the opening with cotton swabs. Q-tip type applicators
many times compact material already in the ear canal. Apply the oil every other day for six days. Then let
the ears rest for 3 days. (The oil mixture will smother many of the mites and start a healing process.)

Step 2: Using Yellow Dock Root Extract, dilute it with water, 9 drops to 1 Tblsp of water. Treat the ears
with this mixture, as described above, once every 3 days for 6 weeks. Ear mite eggs are quite resistant to
just about anything after they have already hardened, that is why a 6 week period of treatment is recommended.
The eggs will continue to hatch out in cycles and if medicine is present for 6 continuous weeks (medicine
administered will last for four days) there will be no more eggs present.

You may need to thoroughly shampoo the head and ears (and the tip of the tail), because the mites can leave
the ears; they do like to go for night trips to check out the terrain. and might crawl back in after treatment.
The tip of the tail may have a few mites from when it is curled near the head. Make a tea infusion of Yellow
Dock and use it as a final rinse.

Generally a healthy animal will have less problems with ear mites, so improving the diet will help in both
prevention and recovery. Feeding a natural raw meat diet or a super-concentrated, preservative free commercial
diet like PHD will improve overall health and reduce the likelihood of frequent parasitic infections. Supplementing
with garlic and brewer’s yeast is especially helpful.

Holistic Health Minute – How to Tell if Your Cat Has Ear Mites

Ruling out other problems with the ear will require a visit to your vet but some of the common symptoms of
ear mites include:

Your cat scratches, often furiously, behind the ear and in the ear.

Cat shakes their head as if trying to shake something out of the ears.

A brown substances begins to appear inside the ear. If you look in the cats ear and see this, it’s a good
sign of mites.

What Causes Furballs?

This is one of my “pet” peeves so to speak. Both my cats are long-haired and hairball messes were
not a fun part of my day. It was good to discover there were natural ways of handling this situation. It
appears that the constant grooming a cat does, always cleaning their fur, can cause more hair to be swallowed
than the digestive system can handle. Here’s what Native Remedies has to say about it:

Cats are avid groomers and seem to spend hours preening and licking themselves. Unfortunately this usually
means that they end up swallowing a lot of loose fur which accumulates in their stomach to form matted lumps
called furballs.

These are usually either vomited out or emitted with their feces. Problems arise however if the cat’s digestive
system is weak or if their nutrition is inadequate as the furballs may remain inside the cat and act as a
cork causing a number of problems including constipation, recurrent vomiting and a build up of toxins.

FurBall Dr. has been specifically formulated for cats who suffer from furball problems and contains a combination
of selected herbs and homeopathic ingredients to help with digestion and elimination, thereby preventing
the distressing problems associated with furballs.

More Information about PetAlive FurBall Dr. Naturally Help Prevent FurBalls and Improve Digestion
in Cats.

How Do I Know if My Pet Has Worms?

Symptoms of Parasites in Cats: A number of intestinal parasites will produce no
visible symptoms in your cat at all – or at least not at first. Other parasites such as the tapeworm will
usually be visible in your cat’s feces and in the hair or on the skin around his anus. Other symptoms of
worms in cats may include:

  • Vomiting
  • Persistent dry cough
  • Swollen abdomen
  • Anemia
  • Diarrhea
  • Persistent scratching around the anus
  • Weight loss
  • Eating a great deal without putting on weight
  • Breathing problems

Rid of Pet Parasites with PetAlive Parasite Dr. Capsules

Bad breath Symptoms of Parasites in Dogs: In many cases you may not even know that
your dog has worms without having a sample of his feces analyzed. Certain intestinal parasites such as tapeworm
however are usually clearly visible either clinging to the skin or hair around the dog’s anus or in a fresh
feces. Other symptoms of worms in dogs may include:

  • Weight loss
  • Gastrointestinal disturbances
  • Diarrhea
  • Anemia
  • Scratching, particularly around the base of the tail
  • Vomiting
  • Mild to severe coughing
  • Eating a great deal without putting on weight
  • Bad breath

Rid of Pet Parasites with PetAlive Parasite Dr. Capsules: Naturally Expel Internal Parasites Like
Heartworm, Roundworm and Tape Worm in Pets.

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