Does Cancer Qualify as a Long-Term Disability?

There is a saying that cancer is a disease of aging. This means the longer you live, the greater your chances of developing cancer. That is because your cells will divide more times if you live a longer life, and the more often your cells divide, the greater the chances of something going wrong. This increases your chances of developing cancer, and there may be situations where cancer could qualify as a long-term disability.

Sadly, there are lots of people who are diagnosed with cancer who may not receive the disability benefits they think they deserve. According to Camporese Lalande Disability Lawyers, “Your case is being reviewed by a so-called “appeals committee” who are being paid a salary by the same insurance company that denied you.” Therefore, what must you do to qualify for long-term disability benefits if you have cancer? There are several factors that the board is going to consider. 

What Symptoms Do You Have?

One of the biggest factors that will play a role in whether a cancer diagnosis will qualify as a long-term disability is the symptoms someone is experiencing. Some forms of cancer can cause serious, disabling symptoms that make it nearly impossible for you to return to work.

For example, one of the most common symptoms of cancer is fatigue. You may feel like you don’t even have the energy to get out of bed in the morning, let alone go to work. If you feel like you don’t have the energy to go to work, you may qualify for long-term disability benefits.

In addition, some forms of cancer can make it very easy for you to bleed profusely. This could also lead to easy bruising and internal bleeding. If you suffer from these symptoms, you may not want to return to work, and you could qualify for disability benefits.

Finally, having cancer could also predispose you to developing severe infections. If your doctor has advised that you should not go to work because of the risk of contracting a serious infection, you may qualify for long-term disability benefits.

What Is the Treatment Process Like?

In addition to the symptoms caused by cancer, you also need to think about the symptoms that will be caused by the treatment process. Some of the most common types of treatment used to address cancer include radiation, surgery, and chemotherapy.

Sometimes, the side effects of the treatment process could make it nearly impossible for you to work. You might have a very rigorous treatment schedule that makes it hard to go to the office, but many of these options can also cause intractable vomiting and chronic pain. These side effects could also make it very difficult for you to work, and it could be enough to help you qualify for long-term disability benefits. You can work with your doctor and lawyer to determine eligibility for long-term disability benefits.


Reach Out to a Disability Lawyer Who Can Help You

While there are plenty of situations where someone with cancer could qualify for long-term disability benefits, this is not something everyone with cancer will receive. For example, some types of cancer might be cured with a simple surgical procedure performed outpatient. Then, other types of cancer may require long-term, disabling treatment. If you believe you deserve of long-term disability benefits, you should reach out to an attorney who can review your case and put your application in a position to be successful. 

What factors determine if cancer qualifies as a long-term disability?

The most significant factor that will play a role in whether a cancer diagnosis will qualify as a long-term disability is the symptoms someone is experiencing. Other factors include the treatment process, side effects, and how it affects your ability to work.

What should I do if my claim for long-term disability benefits is denied?

If your claim for long-term disability benefits is denied, you can appeal the decision. During the appeals process, it is important to have an experienced attorney who can provide guidance and review your case. An attorney can ensure that all relevant evidence and information is included in the appeal to give you a better chance of success.

Are there any other steps I should take when applying for long-term disability benefits?

In addition to having an attorney review your application, you should also consider talking to people who have gone through a similar process. This could include talking to family members or friends who have been through the process or seeking support from a cancer survivor group. You can also consult with your doctor and ensure any medical records are current. Doing this step will provide documentation of your condition that could be helpful when applying for benefits.

Are there other benefits I may qualify for if my cancer-related disability claim is approved?

If your long-term disability claim related to cancer is approved, you may also qualify for other benefits through Social Security Disability Insurance (SSDI). In addition to SSDI, some states also offer assistance for individuals who are disabled due to illness or injury. Finally, some employers may provide additional coverage through their disability plans as well. It is important to research all available options to ensure you are getting the most out of your benefits.