Alternative Healing Information on Crystals – Gemstones and Their
Healing Properties
Gemstone Properties & Alternative Healing With Gemstones
You can find alternative healing solutions from mother earth in the healing properties of gemstones and crystals.
Your love of a certain type of jewelry may speak to healing issues in your life.
Learn about the chakras affected by gemstones and crystals, and the specific emotional, mental, spiritual and physical
healing properties of stones such as citrine, abalone, aventurine, emerald and more.
I love the energy of earth stones like turquoise and amethyst as well as the beauty of a rose quartz or crystal
quartz pieces. At various times, I’ve worn certain stones near my heart for the healing energies they impart.
When dealing with painful relationship issues, I wore malachite near my heart. Other times, feeling overwhelmed
by the demands of my life, I wore hematite to become a little less visible for a while.
I often place crystals on the body when doing healing work or use them to clear out energy blockages in the body.
A-F Crystals, Gemstones and Their Healing Properties
Abalone Jewelry – Abalone stone healing power: Stone has sheen of many colors. This element is good for
strengthening muscles. Invigorating Works on all the chakras.
Jewelry – Actinolite stone healing power: This gem works on the heart chakra to produce awareness.
It is very soothing and brings new awareness.
Jewelry – Adamite stone healing power: Mineral (blue / green) for consulting the inner self when
facing difficult choices. This wonderful gem works on heart and throat chakras.
Jewelry – Agate stone healing power: (May and June Birthstone). Blues, reds, orange, yellows, browns
and greens. Agates are great aids for meditation and powerful healing stones. Good for transmutation, helps with
the emotion of acceptance, gives a mellow, blended aspect, beneficial in stomach area.
- Botswana Agate: Use with high-pressure oxygen therapy and smoke inhalation.
- Blue Lace Agate: For peace, works on the base and heart chakras. Also use to relieve headaches when placed on
the brow. - Crazy Lace Agate: For balance. Swirls of red / yellow / brown.
- Green Moss Agate: Good for blood sugar balance and Anorexia. Works on heart chakra. Also can bring back a sense
of self esteem, emotional priorities, mental priorities, colon, circulatory, pancreas & pulses. - Fire Agate: Really earth and fire. Works on the whole system to produce healing and re growth. Master healer
with color therapy, enhances all essences, grounds and balances, sexual & heart chakra binder and burns energy. - Iris Agate: Use to heal burns.
- Picture Agate: Used in meditation.
- Plume Agate: Brown / orange / red. Works on the lower body to accelerate healing.
- Silver Leaf Agate: Used for grounding oneself and to bring abundance.
- Snakeskin Agate: Brings peace of mind.
- Tree Agate: Used to gain insight into problems and see them for what they really are.
Jewelry – For healing Alexandrite works best on the crown, brow and solar plexus chakras, low
self-esteem & difficulty centering imply need, central nervous system disorders and spleen & pancreas.
Very good healing stone.
Alexandrite stone healing power: (June Birthstone). Clear violet-green, blue or orange-yellow iridescence. Alexandrite
changes its color depending on the light. High chrome content uses for spiritual love and luck.
Jewelry – Amazonite stone healing power: Soothing stone. Works on the throat charka and gives
confidence. Also known as the “Hope Stone” because it inspires Hope.
Jewelry – Amber stone healing power: Orange / brown. Petrified tree resin. Sacred to American Indians.
Electro magnetic properties. Reputed to have the ability to draw disease from the body. It absorbs negative energy
so it needs cleansing regularly. Acts through the solar plexus chakra.
It also calms nerves, gives confidence, regain memory loss, eccentric behavior, anxiety, inability to make decisions,
thyroid, inner ear & neuro-tissue strengthener, activates altruistic nature and realization of the spiritual
Jewelry – Amethyst stone healing power: (February Birthstone). Translucent, purple / lavender
quartz. Third eye chakra stone. Aids sleep, boosts the spirit and can help heal stomach disorder.
Good for addictions and can ease arthritis, enhances intuition, headaches, blood sugar imbalance, L brain imbalances,
edginess, facilitates healing, inner peace, psychic insight, stimulates third eye, aid for meditation, spiritual
opening and internal surrender. It can also fade slightly in sunlight. Ancient stone of great repute.
Jewelry – Andalusite stone healing power: The color tint changes depending on your view. Green
/ yellow / pink / red / brown varieties.
Jewelry – Angelite stone healing power: Working on the heart and throat chakras, it calms fear
and anxiety. Blue / white crystal with many spiritual properties.
Tear Jewelry – Apache Tear stone healing power: Dark, Smoky-Translucent Obsidian. Eases pain, loss
and sadness.
Jewelry – Apatite stone healing power: Transparent blue. Reputed to help stuttering. Works on the
throat chakra. Yellow / clear / purple. Helps form muscles. Works best on the Solar plexus chakra.
Jewelry – Apophyllite stone healing power: Clear / white / green striated crystals. Use for
meditation, clairvoyance and astral travel. Green is the most powerful color.
Aura Jewelry – Aqua Aura stone healing power: Clear quartz with metallic light blue tint from electrical
infusion of gold. Use for meditation, telepathy, healing and increases awareness.
Jewelry – Aquamarine stone healing power: (March and October Birthstone). Clear blue-green.
Releases anxiety and fear, helps relaxation on long journeys, gives insight and perception when dealing with people.
And controls fluid retention, coughs, fear, thymus gland, calms nerves, problems with eyes, ears, jaw, neck, stomach,
teeth, mental clarity, meditation and also gives protection.
Jewelry – Aragonite stone healing power: Translucent purple-pink-brown hexagonal or white needle
crystals. Use for deep, peaceful meditation and balancing yin-yang energy. Ideal gift for young people facing the
first problems of life.
Jewelry – Aurichalcite stone healing power: Blue. Regenerates the brains nervous system and
helps paralysis by energy routing new pathways to the brain. Works best on the brow chakra. Use in deep meditation
to calm the mind.
Jewelry – Aventurine stone healing power: Translucent dark / light green quartz. Dispels pain
and fear. Gives love, prosperity and heals the emotions. Color can fade in sunlight.
Jewelry – Azulicite stone healing power: Works on the Meridians to release blockage and aid flow.
Jewelry – Azurite stone healing power: Deep blue / blue-purple. Reduces anger and stimulates the
mind and body. Increases Psychic awareness and helps reduce abnormal cell growth.
Jewelry – Azurite-Malachite stone healing power: Green tinges Healing stone for skin
disorder. Helps reduce vanity and excessive feelings of self importance.
Jewelry – Barite stone healing power: The ‘Desert rose’ is the popular stone.
- Blue was very popular with the ancients, who used it to calm shock by placing it on the brow chakra. Much used
as a healing stone for soldiers injured in battle. - Gold is for honesty and dignity.
- Clear is for clarity of thought.
Jewelry – Bowenite stone healing power: Translucence green mineral.
Jewelry – Brass stone healing power: Alloy of copper and tin. Used as a shield.
Jewelry – Bronze stone healing power: Another alloy, touch is important with this metal. As physical
contact with this metal, it can bring on great calmness and deep meaningful thoughts, leading to a far greater
insight into your problems.
Jewelry – Benitoite stone healing power: Blue, purple fluorescent mineral. For clairvoyance.
Jewelry – Beryl stone healing power: Clear, golden brown, pink, gray. Heliodor is yellow and Morganite
is pink. Some can look greasy. It stimulates the mind, increases confidence and cleanses. Also reduces laziness,
hiccups, swollen glands, eye diseases and bowel cancer.
Jewelry – Bloodstone stone healing power: (March Birthstone). (Heliotrope) Dark green / red
flecks. Used in ancient Egypt and Atlantis for calming, grounding, revitalizing strength and to attract wealth.
And also for circulation, all purpose healer & cleanser, stomach & bowel pain, purifies bloodstream, bladder
and strengthens blood purifying organs. Famous reference to this stone in the bible indicating the likeness to
the blood of Christ spilling from the cross. Electro magnetic stone.
Calcite Jewelry – Blue Calcite stone healing power: Calming stone that also has healing properties
for liver and colon.
John Jewelry – Blue John stone healing power: Beautiful fluorite from the Blue John cavern
in Derbyshire, England. The only place so far, which it has been found. Strangely enough, it is not blue but comes
in a variety of colors.
Stones Jewelry – Boji Stones stone healing power: grey-brown round discs. Electro magnetic. Balances
body’s energy field. Recharges electrically in sunshine. Not to be used with tiger’s eye. Use in pairs and store
them well apart to keep their charge. The rough stones are male, the smooth stones are female.
Jewelry – Cacoxinite stone healing power: A golden colored mineral that sometimes forms as an
inclusion in quartz or amethyst. It is a rather rare occurrence, and can make for visually spectacular stones to
be used in jewelry. Found mainly in western Brazil. Cacoxinite can bring new ideas into one’s thoughts and can
activate the third eye and crown chakras. It brings personal will into harmony with the higher self.
Jewelry – Calcite stone healing power: Lime green uses for soothing the spirit. Yellow cleans toxins
from body. Clear is clearer vision and general cleansing. Blue eases back pain. Orange is for happiness and great
humor. White improves memory.
Jewelry – Carnelian stone healing power: (July and August Birthstone). Orange translucent chalcedony
(jasper). Use for confidence, boldness, initiative, dramatic abilities, assertiveness, fertility. Warms and cleanses
blood, kidneys. Stimulates appetite, emotions, passion, sexuality, physical energy, celebration, reproductive system,
stimulates curiosity, and focuses attention to the present moment and digestion.
Healing stone for menstrual cramps, arthritis, kidneys, gall bladder, asthma and the pancreas. Like Amber, it needs
cleansing regular. Another stone of great ancient repute.
Eye Jewelry – Cat’s Eye stone healing power: (November Birthstone). Yellow / green / brown / blue
/ orange, etc. Similar to Chrysoberyl. Like a cat’s eye it reflects light.
Jewelry – Celestite stone healing power: White / clear / light blue cluster crystals. Soothes
nerves and stress and quieten the mind. Use for serenity, harmony. It signifies honesty and helps tiredness. This
stone will fade in sunlight.
Jewelry – Cerussite stone healing power: Clear / misty white / brown. Helps self confidence,
gives good Psychic Awareness. Use for addictions and general healing. Renowned for plant growth.
Jewelry – Cerussite-Malachite stone healing power: Healing stone for bronchial problems.
Jewelry – Chalcedony stone healing power: Release touchiness, melancholy, fever, gallstones,
leukemia, eye problems, stimulates maternal feelings and creativity.
Rose Jewelry – Chalcedony Rose stone healing power: A stone of some use to females who wish
to become males, or males who wish to become females, or both and if they have a problem with that.
Jewelry – Charoite stone healing power: Purple. Works with the Indigo and violet chakras and opens
the heart. Provides faster healing and also for alcohol detoxification.
Jewelry – Chiastolite stone healing power: (Stones of the cross) Similar to Andalusite
but with black cross shaped flecks.
Jewelry – Chlorite stone healing power: Crystal in harmony with all things vegetarian. Helpful
healing stone for the digestion.
Jewelry – Chromite-Malachite stone healing power: Clairaudient enhancer. Healing
stone for the lungs.
Jewelry – Chrysoberyl stone healing power: Translucent gold or green cat’s eye. Usually clear
or green / brown. For wealth and confidence.
Jewelry – Chrysocolla stone healing power: (Gem Silica) Blue / blue-green. Gentle and
soothing. For peace and patience. Also good for blood sugar levels. Very good pain reliever. Use to cleanse the
Jewelry – Chrysolite stone healing power: Helps reduce depression.
Jewelry – Chrysoprase stone healing power: Translucent green chalcedony. For wisdom
and depression. Placed on heart, neck, or on brow when meditating.
Jewelry – Cinnabar stone healing power: Reputed to give wearer long life. Connected will all things
physical, exercise and keep fit.
Jewelry – Citrine stone healing power: (November Birthstone). Clear yellow / orange. Use for mental
and emotional clarity, memory improvement, stronger, power, optimism and confidence and wealth bringer. Healing
stone for digestion, stomach, food disorders, allergies, detoxification, heart, kidney, liver & muscle, appendicitis,
gangrene, red & white corpuscles, digestive tract, cleanses vibrations in the atmosphere, creativity, helps
personal clarity, bring out problems in the solar plexus & the heart and eliminates Self-Destructive tendencies.
And also Reduces anxiety, fear and depression. Electro magnetic wonder stone. May fade in the sun.
Jewelry – Cobalt-Calcite stone healing power: Pink is believed to inspire love, patience,
gentleness, compassion and balances the emotions.
Jewelry – Conichalcite stone healing power: Green is known to assist healing of all
skin related diseases.
Jewelry – Copper stone healing power: Excellent energy conductor! Sends and amplifies thoughts.
Worn next to the skin it soothes arthritis and rheumatism problems. Improves circulation, balances warm sun energy
and cool lunar energy. Sunshine will energize copper.
Jewelry – Coral stone healing power: (October Birthstone). Calcium and calcite. Red and orange: stimulates
root and spleen chakra for energy and warmth, fertility. Energizes emotions, muscles, blood, heart, reproductive
system, thyroid, metabolism, meridians, spine, bone and tissue regeneration. (It is best not used if you have high
blood pressure, fever or are anxious.) Red is more masculine, calming and attuning to the Earths energies and providing
protection. Pink: heart chakra, increases sensitivity, caring, compassion. White: soothes, heals meridians, stress,
smell ability, nerves. Black: creativity repels lower energies.
Jewelry – Covellite stone healing power: An iridescent copper mineral with an indigo and
purple sheen to its faces. It is energy stone and intent but its color works on the mental area, imparting force
to creativity. This is a good meditation stone or it may help you accomplish a goal. Unfortunately this mineral
is now extinct in it prime mining areas.
Jewelry – Creedite stone healing power: Small crystals that are usually found embedded in a white
matrix form this mineral. Occasionally it is found in a violet form, which gives power to the third eye area, this
is good for spirituality. It helps us to be connected to the spiritual opening.
Jewelry – Crocoite stone healing power: Pinkie red crystals or on a brown rock matrix is how this
mineral is usually found. It is a very feminine stone, if worn by a single female it is said to higher her chances
of finding a partner. Its color says, “I am a health, fertile female.” By promoting fecundity in woman
it thereby allows the woman to fully realize her feminine aspects.
Jewelry – Cuprite stone healing power: This deep wine red colored crystal helps with vitamin and
mineral absorption. It is said to open the flow of root and spleen chakras, kundalini energy will power also with
heart charka, to strengthen thymus, heart, blood, oxygen, metabolism, stamina and healing. Historically also heals
relationship with father, the yang side of us, masculinity (for men) and confidence, security issues. Access past
Jewelry – Danburite stone healing power: This is a clear Quartz crystal. It is excellent
to cleanse, purify, or debrief. It fills the crown chakra with joy and illumination and brings truth, honesty,
a smile to the heart and opens to mind and spirit. Excellent healing tool. This is a Shamans tool and is best used
in the hands of an experienced practitioner.
Rose Jewelry – Desert Rose stone healing power: this belongs to the gypsum family. Its colors
are usually brown, pale yellow, grey, buff and red tones. It is a gentle grounding stone that clarifies thinking
and mental vision. Quiets worry, brings out practicality and also it quiets the mind.
Jewelry – Dioptase stone healing power: There is much in this tiny deep blue-green mineral. Its
powerful green reaches deep into the heart chakra to release and heal sadness, heartache, abuse and neglect. It
empowers the heart with new depth, strength, healthiness, courage, and ability to love deeply. It is said to connect
the emotional heart with the spiritual heart to receive abundance. It also promotes genuineness, sincerity, emotional
balance, Self-Worth, and deep well-being.
Jewelry – Dioptase-Kinoite stone healing power: This is a rare combination, It helps
to cleans and keep tissues from decay. It is excellent for older people as it is said to stimulate hormones that
tend to slow down through old age.
Jewelry – Dolomite stone healing power: Also known as the “Pearl Spar.” These pink,
pastel, milky and clear colored rocks are a natural abrasive and sponge in one. Clear varieties, especially pink
are used to softly open and heal heart chakra. Facilitates giving, receiving, generosity, spontaneity, creativity,
and energy uplift. Calcium content strengthens bones, teeth, muscles, and woman’s reproductive system; helps PMS.
Jewelry – Dravite stone healing power: This stone is strongly associated with healing, especially
in the legs. It is said that if you suffer from hip problems, to lie on ether side and place the mineral on the
hip will sort the problem. It works well with Jade and Selenite, the Selenite draws healing white light through
the crown chakra while the Jade can be placed on the heart chakra to ease tonal frequency.
Jewelry – Diamond stone healing power: (April Birthstone). This well known mineral powerfully absorbs
and amplifies thoughts of user, other gems and wearer’s strengths and weaknesses. Used with loving, clear intent
it clears blocks and opens crown chakra. It helps with spiritual love, peace, clarity, trust and confidence. No
emotion can affect its pure mental nature. Ancients also used for detoxication as it is said to protect from poisons.
Jewelry – Diamontina stone healing power: Clouded crystals will often clear with use;
this shows the user it is clearing toxins from their physical body. A clear diamontina has been used before.
Quartz Jewelry – Diamontina Quartz stone healing power: Clear diamontina carries within
it psychic serenity and celestial interaction. Cracked faces within a crystal are frequency points, as they change,
so the frequency changes.
Jewelry – Dumortierite stone healing power: This mineral is found in dark blue, violet,
reddish brown and clear colors. It is said to reduce stubborn tendencies and encourage patience.
Jewelry – Elestial stone healing power: This is a special form of clear, Smokey Quartz. It is
said to change confusion and illusions to clarity and also to help you see truth, and overview. It can help you
with psychic ness and openness to a higher self and spirituality. Said to heal brain cells from drug and alcohol
abuse. This is an “All-Seeing Stone” it brings infusion of light. You can use it as a bridge stone to
enhance energy flow between chakras.
Jewelry – Emerald stone healing power: (May and June Birthstone). This wonderful green stone strengthens
the heart chakra for abundance, growth, peace, harmony, patience, love, fidelity, and honesty. It has been said
to lift depression, insomnia. Said to bring knowingness of the heart and peaceful dreams. An excellent general
healer, anti-poison, radiation toxicity, all mental illness, circulatory & neurological disorders, transmits
balance, healing & patience, increases psychic & clairvoyant abilities, meditation, keener insight into
dreams and also used in Ancient times as a blood detoxifier.
Jewelry – Epidote stone healing power: This deep green stone heals the linkage between us and the
psychic plane. It helps use to receive certain knowledge often from firsthand sources. This simple grounding ‘back
to the Earth’ vibration strengthens over all health. It tells us when we need to eat better and when we need to
Jewelry – Erythrite stone healing power: This mineral forms bright crimson crystals. Hold
this crystal between the thumb and forefinger in the left hand to infuse energy into your self. This causes a healing
reaction as it stimulates vital organs.
Jewelry – Flint stone healing power: This stone is said to prevent nightmares. It is used as an overall
tonic for strength and healing. It comes in a range of different colors from red, gray, blue to black with white
bands. The stone has great healing capacity as it stimulates tissue regeneration throughout the organs. Not only
is it a good healer it has been used as a weapon or tool for generations.
Jewelry – Fluorite stone healing power: Appearing in all rainbow colors. This mineral balances
the mental energies and is excellent for meditation. Fluorite clears the mind of stress and aids sleep; the blue,
purple, golden and white colors are very affective with the higher chakra’s. The colors are as follows:—
- Blue: This is beneficial to the throat, nose and ears.
- Clear and purple: They are uplifting aura cleansers & psychic protectors.
- Green: Stills the mind and heart while harmonizing and recharging the chakras.
- Yellow: Helps focus, Co-Operation and group alignment.
- Lavender: Brings serenity, well being, peace and connection with the universe.
- Rainbow is good with change, management and can assist the user in getting out of a rut.
Appearing in all rainbow colors. This mineral balances the mental energies and is excellent for meditation. Fluorite
clears the mind of stress and aids sleep; the blue, purple, golden and white colors are very affective with the higher
Jewelry and Learn More About Healing Properties of Gemstones, including H-Z
JGEM is the most comprehensive web site I’ve ever seen for listing so many different stones and having so much information
on each one. You can also buy beautiful jewelry. It is a wide, excellent selection.
Included you will find the healing properties of the following gemstones including
some of my personal favorites — kyanite,
malachite, and my birthstone, which is opal: Hanksite, Hawk’s Eye / Falcon’s Eye, Hematite, Herkimer Diamond, Hiddenite,
Hornblende, Howlite, Hubnerite, Iolite, Jade, Jasper, Jet stone; Kunzite, Kyanite, Labradorite, Lapis Lazuli, Larimar,
Lazulite, Lepidolite, Lithium, Lodestone, Malachite, Marble, Mariposite, Meteorite, Microline, Moldavite, Moonstone,
Morganite / Pink Beryl, Mother of Pearl (MOP), Muscovite, Neptunite, Obsidian, Okenite, Onyx, Opal, Orthoclase,
Peacock Ore, Pearl, Pecos Diamond, Peridot, Phenacite, Platinum, Prehnite, Purpurite, Rhodochrosite, Rhodonite,
Rock Crystal Quartz, Rose Quartz, Rubellite / Red Tourmaline, Ruby, Rutilated Quartz, Sapphire, Satin Spar / Selenite,
Serpentine, Silica, Silver, Smithsonite, Smoky Quartz, Soapstone, Socialite (Ululate / Royal Adele), Sodalite,
Spectrolite, Sphene, Spinel, Stilbite, Sulphur, Sunstone, Tanzanite, Tektite, Thulite, Tiger’s Eye, Topaz, Tourmaline,
Turquoise, Ulexite, Unakite, Uvarovite, Vanadinite, Variscite, Verdite, Vivianite, Vogesite, Wavellite, Wulfenite,
Zircon, and Zoisite.
More information on this can be found in our free online health magazine.