Massage Therapy School Long Beach CA at Charter College

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California Massage School: Charter College in Long

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For a massage therapy school in Long Beach, CA check out WyoTech. Located at 100 West Broadway #3000, Long Beach, CA 90802 in the downtown area on West Broadway between Pacific Ave and Pine Ave.

The instructors are attentive and well-qualified. You’ll find a balanced mix of teaching techniques which include
hands-on experience as well as classroom study.

At this massage school, California offers an alternative to large colleges where class sizes may not allow as much individual attention. The small class sizes at Charter College in Long Beach allow time for
individual attention. Students can even elect to earn a Bachelor’s Degree in the 30 month curriculum if they choose.

These CA massage training and classes will prepare you in every way to enter the exciting world of therapeutic bodywork.
Upon graduation, you’ll be fully prepared to excel when you sit of the national board exams.

This is a massage therapy school, Long Beach CA is proud of, will provide you with day and evening class schedules
and other details upon request. The information is free and easy to obtain. Contact the school directly in you would like to learn more about the Long Beach Campus and when the next classes begin.

To learn more visit > Charter College in Long Beach to learn more.


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