Los Angeles County Massage School in Riverside

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California Massage Schools: Kaplan College in Riverside

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Attending massage classes in California can prepare you to enter one of the fastest growing sectors of the health
and wellness industry.

With a growth rate expected to reach thirty-five percent in the next few years, you can become
part of this growth by attending massage classes in California at Kaplan College in Riverside.

This Los Angeles County massage school offers a comprehensive education through a blend of classroom study and hands-on
supervised experience. You’ll develop the knowledge as well as the skills to become successful as a professional
therapist. You can expect to take your board exams for professional licensing with confidence and assurance.

You’ll find this Southern California school of massage located at 1635 Spruce Street, just of Interstate 215. The
modern facilities and equipment will make perfecting you skills a very enjoyable experience. The well-trained instructors
will instruct you in the techniques to perform a broad range modalities as well as teach you how the human body operates.
You’ll understand how to maintain client records, access progress and identify which techniques will be most effective
for each client.

Additional information about these massage classes in California is simple and easy to obtain. Learn how to register
for the next session, day and evening class schedules and other information by contacting a school representative who is eager to answer all your important questions.

To learn more visit > Maric College in Riverside,


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