Benefits of Laughter: Stimutates a Healthy Heart

We all have heard the phrase, “an apple a day keeps the doctor away.” The apple facts are simple: apples are filled with good calories and have many nutritious benefits. Usually, health prevention tips focus on drinking pure water, getting enough exercise, making healthy food choices, and adding quality nutrition to your daily diet. We often overlook that laughing is both a powerful and simple health tip!

The Evidence Gives Us Something to Laugh About

Laughing TherapyThe University of Maryland (School of Medicine) conducted more than one research study led by Dr. Michael Miller on the merits of laughter for stimulating healthy heart function. In one study, the group of researchers examined the body’s endothelium, or the lining of blood vessels. They documented how laughter caused the endothelium to generate an increase in blood flow which helps to preserve the health of the heart.

Another of Dr. Miller’s studies also concluded that laughter could help prevent heart disease. In fact, they found people who had heart disease had more serious temperaments and were less likely to laugh compared to a group of participants of the same age who were free from heart disease.

It is becoming more and more apparent everyday that daily stress leads to disease so it makes sense that laughter, which reduces tension, would simulate health. If you find you are having a serious day, or need to improve your laugh-ability, read on!

Learning to Laugh

If you find you are in a bad mood, stop and think whom your mental state is hurting most. Probably, not those around you because your friends or loved ones will eventually take steps to avoid you. Once you brood for a bit, don’t stop there. Take action to change your state of mind. You may find that the circumstances in your life will soon thereafter begin to transform.

Make a choice to invite more of the benefits of laughter to influence your life. As research has shown, with a little dose of laughter you could even improve your heart health or begin to build a better immune system response.

A search on the web will point you to laughter clubs, and laughter clinics and has a wide assortment of hilarious videos that will make you laugh.

We thank Christine Rabbette for sharing this great video which is a 6 1/2 minute state changer!

Click Play for 6 1/2 Minutes That Will Change Your State of Mind
