Anthrax, What it is, How it Spreads, What to Do

Anthrax Symptoms, Causes, and Treatments

Anthrax, Learn How
it Spreads – How it is Treated.

What it is and what you can do about protecting yourself?

Herbal Remedies has provided this informative research.

Other Common Names:

  • Bacillus anthracis
  • B. anthracis
  • Malignant pustule
  • Malignant edema
  • Woolsorter disease
  • Ragpicker

If you have been reading the headlines of Anthrax newspaper articles you are probably concerned about Anthrax,
please take the time to read this important information.

Herbal Remedies has an excellent question and answer page
(mostly excerpted from material at the Center for Disease Control) to address just what anthrax is, how it is transmitted,
what the symptoms of anthrax are after exposure, where it is normally found, how to prevent an anthrax infection
and more.

Should you be vaccinated for anthrax, and what is the protocol
for anthrax vaccination? Read about current traditional treatments for anthrax as well as Natural Antibiotics,
Disinfectants, and Immune System Support Supplements to protect and strengthen your system naturally.

Learn more about anthrax. The
Centers for Disease Control and Prevention, National Center for Infectious Diseases, Division of Bacterial and
Mycotic Diseases.

If you feel you may have been exposed to anthrax, please visit the Center for Disease Control
website for even more information on the subject.

Question: What is anthrax?

Answer: Anthrax is an acute infectious disease caused by the spore-forming bacterium Bacillus anthracis. Anthrax most
commonly occurs in wild and domestic lower vertebrates (cattle, sheep, goats, camels, antelopes, and other herbivores),
but it can also occur in humans when they are exposed to infected animals or tissue from infected animals.

Question: Why has anthrax become a current issue?

Answer: Because anthrax is considered to be a potential agent for use in biological warfare, the Department of Defense
(DoD) has begun mandatory vaccination of all active duty military personnel who might be involved in conflict.

Question: How common is anthrax and who can get it?

Answer: Anthrax is most common in agricultural regions where it occurs in animals. These include South and Central America,
Southern and Eastern Europe, Asia, Africa, the Caribbean, and the Middle East. When anthrax affects humans, it is
usually due to an occupational exposure to infected animals or their products. Workers who are exposed to dead animals
and animal products from other countries where anthrax is more common may become infected with B. anthracis (industrial
anthrax). Anthrax in wild livestock has occurred in the United States.

Question: How is anthrax transmitted?

Answer: Anthrax infection can occur in three forms: cutaneous (skin), inhalation, and gastrointestinal. B. anthracis
spores can live in the soil for many years, and humans can become infected with anthrax by handling products from
infected animals or by inhaling anthrax spores from contaminated animal products. Anthrax can also be spread by eating
undercooked meat from infected animals. It is rare to find infected animals in the United States.

Question: What are the symptoms of anthrax?

Answer: Symptoms of disease vary depending on how the disease was contracted, but symptoms usually occur within 7 days.

Cutaneous or through the skin: Most (about 95%) anthrax infections occur when the bacterium enters a cut or abrasion
on the skin, such as when handling contaminated wool, hides, leather or hair products (especially goat hair) of infected
animals. Skin infection begins as a raised itchy bump that resembles an insect bite but within 1-2 days develops
into a vesicle and then a painless ulcer, usually 1-3 cm in diameter, with a characteristic black necrotic (dying)
area in the center. Lymph glands in the adjacent area may swell. About 20% of untreated cases of cutaneous anthrax
will result in death. Deaths are rare with appropriate antimicrobial therapy.

Inhalation: Initial symptoms may resemble a common cold. After several days, the symptoms may progress to severe
breathing problems and shock. Inhalation anthrax is usually fatal.

Intestinal: The intestinal disease form of anthrax may follow the consumption of contaminated meat and is characterized
by an acute inflammation of the intestinal tract. Initial signs of nausea, loss of appetite, vomiting, fever are
followed by abdominal pain, vomiting of blood, and severe diarrhea. Intestinal anthrax results in death in 25 percent
to 60 percent of cases.

Question: Where is anthrax usually found?

Answer: Anthrax can be found globally. It is more common in developing countries or countries without veterinary public
health programs. Certain regions of the world (South and Central America, Southern and Eastern Europe, Asia, Africa,
the Caribbean, and the Middle East) report more anthrax in animals than others.

Question: Can anthrax be spread from person-to-person?

Answer: Direct person-to-person spread of anthrax is extremely unlikely to occur. Communicability is not a concern in
managing or visiting with patients with inhalational anthrax.

Question: Is there a way to prevent infection?

Answer: In countries where anthrax is common and vaccination levels of animal herds are low, humans should avoid contact
with livestock and animal products and avoid eating meat that has not been properly slaughtered and cooked. Also,
an anthrax vaccine has been licensed for use in humans. The vaccine is reported to be 93 percent effective in protecting
against anthrax.

Question: What is the anthrax vaccine?

Answer: The anthrax vaccine is manufactured and distributed by BioPort, Corporation, Lansing, Michigan. The vaccine is
a cell-free filtrate vaccine, which means it contains no dead or live bacteria in the preparation. The final product
contains no more than 2.4 mg of aluminum hydroxide as adjuvant. Anthrax vaccines intended for animals should not
be used in humans.

Question: Who should get vaccinated against anthrax?

Answer: The Advisory Committee on Immunization Practices has recommend anthrax vaccination for the following groups:

Persons who work directly with the organism in the laboratory Persons who work with imported animal hides or furs
in areas where standards are insufficient to prevent exposure to anthrax spores. Persons who handle potentially infected
animal products in high-incidence areas. (Incidence is low in the United States, but veterinarians who travel to
work in other countries where incidence is higher should consider being vaccinated.) Military personnel deployed
to areas with high risk for exposure to the organism (as when it is used as a biological warfare weapon).

Pregnant women should be vaccinated only if absolutely necessary.

What is the Protocol for Anthrax Vaccination and What are the Reactions?

The immunization consists of three subcutaneous injections given 2 weeks apart followed by three additional subcutaneous
injections given at 6, 12, and 18 months. Annual booster injections of the vaccine are recommended thereafter.

Mild local reactions occur in 30% of recipients and consist of slight tenderness and redness at the injection site.
Severe local reactions are infrequent and consist of extensive swelling of the forearm in addition to the local reaction.
Systemic reactions occur in fewer than 0.2 percent of recipients.

According to an LA Times article by Thomas H. Maugh II it is stated that “the vaccines now in use present a
number of problems — ranging from lack of manufacturing capacity to side effects — that render large-scale vaccination
programs problematic.”

Anthrax vaccination of soldiers has produced reports of severe side effects, such as bleeding and thyroid malfunction,
and has been linked to six deaths.

Fear of the vaccine is perhaps greater than fear of anthrax. As many as 400 members of the U.S. military have been
court-martialed or have resigned rather than submit to the vaccination because of the perceived risks. Some physicians
share their misgivings.

“You won’t see me getting in line for the vaccine,” says Dr. Meryl Nass, a longtime critic.

The vaccine is produced by only one manufacturer, BioPort Corp. of Lansing, Mich., and the technology is nearly
40 years old. Although the company is currently producing the vaccine, the Food and Drug Administration will not
allow it to be shipped because of various deficiencies in quality control and manufacturing at the plant.

The vaccine is unusual in that it is not targeted at the bacterium itself, as are most vaccines, but at the toxin
produced by the bacteria as they grow. That toxin produces the cellular damage that can lead to death from an anthrax

The toxin has three major components: protective antigen, lethal factor and edema factor. When the toxin is released
in the body, individual molecules of the protective antigen clump together on the surface of target cells to form
a doughnut-shaped pore. This pore is then used by the other two components to enter the cell, where they are lethal.

The vaccine is designed to stimulate antibodies to the protective antigen, preventing it from attaching to cells.
In theory, if the action of the toxin is blocked, then the immune system can eradicate the bacteria or they can be
killed with antibiotics.

“We buy the individual some time to fight off the infection,” said microbiologist Darrell Galloway of
Ohio State University.” Full article is at the LA Times Online.

Is There a Treatment for Anthrax?

Doctors can prescribe effective antibiotics. To be effective, treatment should be initiated early. If left untreated,
the disease can be fatal.

Natural Antibiotics, Disinfectants, and Immune System Support Supplements The dietary supplements listed below have
not been submitted for FDA approval as a new drug and therefore we can not claim that these dietary supplements are
intended to prevent, mitigate, treat, or cure anthrax, smallpox, or any other disease under the Federal Food, Drug,
and Cosmetic Act as amended by the Dietary Supplement Health and Education Act of 1994.

Representatives of the dietary supplement industry have issued a joint news release stating that no dietary supplements
have been “proven by the FDA” to treat or prevent anthrax. This is a joint statement of the American Herbal
Products Association, Consumer Healthcare Products Association, Council for Responsible Nutrition, National Nutritional
Foods Association, and Utah Natural Products Alliance.

Natural Antibiotics, Disinfectants, and Immune System Support Supplements

These supplements will assist in strengthening
your bodies immune system. The bodies immune system plays an important part in fighting off bacteria and other
infections that may enter our systems.

Silver – Natural Antibiotic
: Colloidal Silver is a powerful antibiotic because it works as a catalyst, disabling
the enzyme that many bacteria, fungi and viruses use for their metabolism. Historically has been used in a colloidal
form to kill over 650 disease causing organisms and bacteria.

Seed Extract Liquid Concentrate
: Used topically as an antiseptic wound cleaner and to treat infections
of the skin. Internally, the concentrate is useful as a supportive treatment for a wide variety of ailments, including
Candida infections, sore throats, intestinal upset, etc. May also be used to purify drinking water when camping
or traveling to foreign countries. It may be used as a surface disinfectant in place of commonly used cleaners
like bleach or ammonia-based products.

Defense: An Original Child Life Formula
: First Defense is the most complete and effective natural broad
spectrum anti-infective formula available for infants and children. We have researched and hand-selected herbs
and minerals known for their direct anti-bacterial, anti-viral and immune response stimulating properties. First
Defense is completely safe and non-toxic for infants and children of all ages and can be used at the first sign
of any acute symptom, e.g. cold, cough, flu, fever, sinusitis, sore throat or ear infection.

Colostrum 480mg
– 120 Caps
: Colostrum known for its powerful healing factors offers optimal health. Colostrum research proves
a wide spectrum of immunoglobulins, antibodies, and accessory immune factors. Colostrum immune factors not only
boost the underactive immune system but work toward regulating overactive immune system (allergies and auto-immune

4 Kids w/Probiotics
: Childlife Supports healthy digestion & the immune system. Colostrum is nature’s first
food for the immune system. ChildLife uses the finest bovine Colostrum that has been naturally harvested and especially
prepared with Probiotics to enhance the health and vitality of your child’s immune and digestive system.

Vidal Yew Formula: The Native Americans referred to the Pacific NW Yew tree as “Chief of the Forest,. Medical literature reports that the Yew has remarkable anti-cancer properties and through the years has been used for its natural potential for addressing a variety of health concerns which include colds, viral, bacterial and fungal infections, flu, rheumatism, sciatica, kidney problems, lung problems and more.

Bee Propolis: Natural Antibiotic; used for colds, flu, fever, and digestive disorders. A substance collected
by honey bees containing phytotonizides believed to contain immunity factors that stimulates the body and gives
it a natural resistance to diseases.

We also found important information on Sodium Chlorite and Chlorine Dioxide and its ability to clean up Antrax, and also this mineral supplement is showing promising results as a supplement for ridding the body of pathogens and boosting the immune system.

To rebuild the immune system the body often needs to experience a detox before it can fully benefit from supplementation.

Click the following link to read a three part report on body detoxing, and learn How to Detox