The summer season brings many joys, but sadly, it can also increase allergy symptoms for some. Before the warmer weather takes hold of your home and environment, prepare a plan to reduce allergens and irritants from entering and lingering in your space. Here are nine simple ways to protect your home from unwanted allergens and reduce your risk of having an allergy attack during the summertime.
1. Replace Air Filters Regularly
Air filters help remove pollen, dust, pet dander, and other pollutants from the air in your home. Replacing these filters every few months or as needed is important to ensure maximum efficiency. Additionally, adding a high-efficiency particulate air (HEPA) filter can provide extra protection against harmful allergens.
2. Eliminate Clutter
Clutter creates more surfaces where dust can accumulate, so keep your living space uncluttered and tidy as much as possible. Dust regularly and vacuum carpets and curtains with a high-powered vacuum with an allergen-trapping attachment. Avoid keeping items like newspapers, magazines, or books on tables or other surfaces for extended periods since they can easily collect dust.
3. Improve Ventilation
Stale indoor air can worsen allergy symptoms, so ensure your home is properly ventilated to reduce humidity and contaminants. Open windows when possible and use exhaust fans to remove moisture and odors from bathrooms or kitchens after cooking or showering. You may also want to consider adding a dehumidifier to keep humidity levels low in your home during the summer months.
4. Have the Air Ducts Cleaned
Over time, air ducts can accumulate a buildup of dust, dirt, and other allergens circulating throughout your home every time you turn on the AC. Having your air ducts professionally cleaned can help reduce the number of allergens in your home and ensure that you’re breathing fresher, cleaner air.
During cleaning, the technicians should also inspect for any visible signs of mold, which can be another source of allergens. If they find any, they should be able to advise you on the best way to clean and remove it.
5. Avoid Bringing the Outdoors In
The more you can limit the allergens that enter your home from outside, the better. Change and wash clothes immediately after coming in from outdoors to remove any pollen or other contaminants that have clung to them.
Ensure everyone takes off their shoes when entering your home, as shoes often carry dust and dirt inside them. Additionally, keep windows and doors closed during high-pollen periods to reduce the number of allergens coming inside your home.
6. Clean Often
Pollen, dust, and other allergens can easily accumulate on surfaces in your home if not cleaned regularly. To reduce the allergens in your home, wipe down surfaces like countertops, tables, and shelves with a damp cloth at least once a week. You should also vacuum carpets and rugs twice a week using a vacuum with an allergen-trapping attachment.
It is also advisable to avoid harmful cleaning products that contain harsh chemicals and fragrances, which can aggravate allergy symptoms. Opt for natural cleaning products or a mixture of vinegar and water, as this combination can help kill bacteria and remove dirt without the harmful effects of chemical cleaners.
7. Invest in an Air Purifier
Air purifiers are a great way to reduce the amount of allergens circulating in your home. When shopping for an air purifier, look for one with a HEPA filter, which can help remove up to 99% of dust, pollen, and other particles from the air. For best results, try placing your air purifier in areas where you spend most of your time indoors, such as living rooms or bedrooms.
8. Invest in Allergy-Proof Bedding
Dust mites are common allergens that can accumulate in your bedding over time. To help reduce dust mite allergies, invest in dust-mite-proof mattresses, pillow covers, and washable wool blankets or quilts. Wash your sheets, blankets, and pillowcases regularly in hot water to remove accumulated allergens.
9. See a Doctor
If you’re still experiencing allergy symptoms even after taking steps to reduce allergens in your home, then it may be time to see a doctor. An allergist can advise you on the best treatment options for your specific allergies and provide any necessary medications or other treatments to help reduce your symptoms.
Following these nine simple steps can help reduce allergens in your home and make summertime easier for allergy sufferers. Proper ventilation, cleaning often, and investing in allergy-proof bedding can help reduce the amount of allergens circulating in your home. If your symptoms persist, it may be time to see a doctor for additional treatment options.