6 Great Benefits Runners Receive From Chiropractic Care

6 Great Benefits Runners Receive From Chiropractic Care

Running can be such a great form of exercise. It can result in significant cardiovascular benefits, and it can be part of a healthy routine that can keep you in shape. Running, though, can take a toll on the body. The impact on your joints can add up over time. Mile after mile, your legs are subject to a lot of stress, and you may start to feel it in your hips and back, too. Strength training, stretching, regular rest, and cross-training can all be beneficial if you’re a runner. These other activities can ensure that you can stay strong, limber, and ready to put in more miles. In addition, chiropractic care can play an important role. A visit to a chiropractor can help you prevent and address injuries, enhance your overall health, and improve your performance.

1. Increased Range of Motion

A visit to a chiropractor can help you increase your range of motion. As a runner, you’re putting your body through a lot as you make your strides and pound the pavement. While you may likely run in a straight line, in a very predictable manner, it can be helpful if you have a good range of motion. During your chiropractor care appointments, you may take part in exercises or treatments that can improve your flexibility and range on both sides of your body.

2. Addressing Misalignments

If your body is misaligned, it may be more difficult to feel comfortable when running. Fortunately, a chiropractor can address this issue by making necessary adjustments. An adjustment can be a key part of restoring your body’s natural balance. You most likely won’t be able to tell if your body is misaligned so it’s important to regularly see a chiropractor so you can tell.

3. A Holistic Approach

Chiropractic care provides you with a holistic approach to your well-being. If you visit an office with a foot issue, for example, a chiropractor will look not only at your foot but also at the rest of your body. When you run, everything is fluid and your different muscles work together to keep you moving forward. An issue in one part of your body may result in a symptom in another area. That’s why it’s essential to look at the big picture rather than just focusing on specific areas.

4. Dealing With Acute Injuries

Injuries can quickly derail a training plan. Overtraining can cause problems, and so can many other issues. Sometimes, runners try to fight through the pain, but this has the potential to create even more significant concerns. Resting the body is certainly a good idea if you’re dealing with an injury. In addition, scheduling an appointment with a chiropractor can be a smart move. A chiropractor can determine what may be the root cause of the injury and treat your body so that it can start to heal more quickly.

5. Pain Management

Runners may have to deal with pain on occasion. A dull pain can affect an athlete differently than a sharp pain. All of this can determine what a chiropractor’s approach to care might entail. Chiropractic treatments could have the goal of reducing inflammation, increasing mobility, and/or loosening muscles that may be stiff, for instance. It all depends on the exact situation you may be facing. Note that chiropractic care has the potential to serve as an alternative to medication, in some cases. This has been an important factor for many runners who have decided to visit their local chiropractors for assistance with pain management.

6. Reducing Risk of Re-injury

If you’ve experienced a certain type of injury in the past, you may find yourself vulnerable to problems in the same location if you’re not careful. A chiropractor can work with you as you try to reduce the chances of re-injury. Adjustments and other types of care may play a role in allowing you to bounce back from an injury with strength, balance, and agility. You may emerge as a more confident and healthier athlete.