4 Ways to Keep Workers Healthy When Using Touchscreen Tech

4 Ways to Keep Workers Healthy When Using Touchscreen Tech

Workers in many fields use touchscreen technology throughout the day. From tapping a food order into the system to accessing a file, touchscreens streamline business transactions in the modern world. However, these screens can become havens for germs. Ideally, try these top 4 ways to keep workers healthy when using touchscreens today.

1. Set a Schedule

There can be thousands of germs on the average cellphone. Similarly, your company touchscreens can have the same germ levels. Because it’s impossible to keep germs off the devices, create a cleaning schedule.

Indeed, this schedule might be similar to cleaning the bathroom or wiping down tables at a restaurant. Ideally, hang a checklist up so that everyone knows the schedule. Preferably, assign workers to particular cleaning times so that sanitizing isn’t overlooked.

Deciding on a set schedule depends on how often the touchscreen is in use. For example, digital signage may not be touched too much in a given day. Clean this touchscreen once a day. In contrast, touchscreens used for most of the workday, such as restaurant screens, should be cleaned more often. Ideally, schedule a cleaning every couple of hours. Some companies might prefer a cleaning once an hour. In the end, the schedule should be simple to follow so that it becomes a habit every workday.

2. Encourage Hand Washing

One of the most effective ways to keep workers healthy is simply washing hands. Germs on the hands are constantly contaminating shared touchscreens, for example. Naturally, workers might touch their faces during the day, which transmits germs between the face, hand, and touchscreen. As a result, illness can set in.

As reminders, add signs to your company’s bathrooms that discuss proper hand washing. In some cases, you might select humorous signs to capture your workers’ attention. These simple reminders encourage proper hygiene whenever they’re near the sink.

In addition, keep soap and paper towels in stock at all times. If workers encounter a shortage, they may not wash their hands as often as they should.

3. Consider Individual Touchscreens

Your business might have a POS touchscreen, and it’s shared among all your employees. If possible, consider an investment in multiple touchscreens. If each employee has his or her own touchscreen station, spreading germs becomes difficult. After several hours of work, each touchscreen remains isolated from spreading contaminates.

To move forward with this investment, look at your business model. For example, a showroom with two or three salespeople might benefit from two or three individual touchscreens. Furthermore, these touchscreens might be portable instead of based at a front desk. As a result, your salespeople can walk around the showroom, greet customer, and tap on the touchscreen as necessary. If other salespeople arrive to cover for other employees leaving for the day, they simply sanitize the portable touchscreens before handing them over to the incoming crew.

4. Keep Sanitizer Handy

Your workers may have a busy day ahead of them. To supplement hand washing, install sanitizer stations on the walls. For example, a worker walks from a showroom and into a warehouse. A wall sanitizer at the threshold gives the worker a quick way to clean up between tasks. Without sanitizing, the worker might contaminate touchscreens in the showroom and warehouse.

Alternatively, place sanitizer pumps at desks or along POS podiums. Workers who greet customers, for instance, cannot leave the front desk until the area is clear. As a solution, the sanitizer pump offers a discreet way of staying germ-free between customer greetings.

Undoubtedly, washing your hands is always better than sanitizing. But, in a hectic and fast-paced workplace, your workers need and should have the sanitizing option to stay healthy.

Touchscreens will continue to grow in popularity, which makes their upkeep a priority. In the end, maintaining a clean touchscreen can reduce illness among your workers and improve the device’s lifespan. Technology and business can thrive as one in the coming years. As we increasingly rely on touch-sensitive interfaces, ensuring their functionality and hygiene will be paramount to fostering a safe and productive work environment.