Learn What Causes Allergies and Find Natural Treatments for Allergy Symptoms

Holistic Health Information About Allergies – Allergy Causes,
Symptoms and Natural Allergy Relief Products

Those who suffer from allergies wonder what may be at the root of their allergic reactions, so what causes
allergies and how can they be stopped?

The things allergies share and have in common is the response of your immune system as it attacks substances
that it determines are foreign. These substances are called allergens.

You will learn about different types of allergies, allergy symptoms, and natural allergy remedies in this
wellness article for controlling the symptoms of allergies.

Holistic Health Information on Allergies

An estimated 60 million folks in the US alone suffer from allergies. Allergic conditions are not just common,
but epidemic in today’s world. It’s really no wonder the respiratory allergy rate is tremendously high as
well when we consider the amount of environmental pollutants we are exposed to such as smoke and auto fumes,
chemicals in paints, housecleaning products, pesticides, asbestos, etc. On top of those allergy producers
and health reducers, we also all have to deal with nature’s brand of allergy stimulant – the spores, pollen
and dust mites.

Having sensitivities to more than one allergen, known as multiple chemical sensitivity, is on the rise as
well as food allergies and food intolerance. It might be safe to assume that most of us suffer, to one degree
or another, from one allergen or another.

What is at the root of airborne allergies and hayfever (also medically referred to as allergic rhinitis)?

When we breathe each breath draws microscopic particles by the millions. The particles contain plant spores,
pollen, dust, bacteria, and viruses along with chemical air pollutants. Luckily the nose and our respiratory
system does a good job at filtering and removing many of these irritants and invaders.

The immune system of a strong and healthy person then steps in address those that can lead to the invitation
of infection from these harmful airborne elements that invade the body.

The immune system normally ignores the harmless airborne bits, such as the pollen, animal dander, etc. But
some individuals immune system senses these particles are harmful and responds to remove the dangers from
the body by releasing histamines.

When a histamine reaction is triggered it also increases inflammatory compounds which your body generates
and this leads to hayfever, which is also termed “allergic rhinitis.”

In the warm weather, those who are sensitive and have over reactive immune systems may find there allergy
signs and symptoms kick up in windy weather, or during springtime when bees buzz about as pollen is produced
by trees, grasses, and flowers. If you are a person who reacts in other seasons, you most likely are dealing
with molds, mildew, and also house dust and animal dander.

If you are someone who suffers allergic reactions you are also going to be more susceptible to developing
sinusitis, colds, the flu and other respiratory infections because your system becomes compromised over time.
This can cause a vicious cycle which weakens your immune system. Then yo many find allergic reaction increases
along with progressive fatigue and a weakened body system.

What are the symptoms of allergic rhinitis and hayfever?

  • A Runny nose with a clear discharge
  • Eyes that are red, puffy, or itchy
  • Dark circles form beneath the eyes
  • Nasal passages become swollen
  • You begin to Sneeze, and the nose itches
  • The throat becomes irritated
  • You feel tired and fatigued

How You Can Manage Allergies Naturally Here

How to Reduce Dust Mite Allergies

Control of dust mites can be difficult, time-consuming and expensive. For people who are extremely sensitive,
the following measures should be taken:

  • Use allergen protectors, such as zippered dust-proof covers for your pillows and mattresses.
  • Be sure and wash all your bedding often, (pillow cases, mattress cover, sheets and blankets in hot water
    which is at least sheets 130 F).
  • Take down any wall hangings made of fabric because they can also gather dust mites, mold and mildew.
  • Make sure all your children’s stuffed toys are fully machine washable, and launder them regularly.
  • Use plastic blinds that are easily cleaned versus drapes or curtains.
  • Use throw rugs rather than carpeting and launder them regularly, or change to tile or wooden floors.
  • Upholstered furniture is also a harbor for allergens, so was casing often, or replace easy care plastic
    or wooden furniture with washable pad covers.
  • Purchase a HEPA vacuum with high efficiency that can help purify air and toss vacuum bags regularly because
    dust mites can travel from the bags. Make sure and vacuum once or twice a week.

The Facts About Antihistamines

Antihistamines work by blocking the release of histamine in response to an allergen. This prevents the allergic
reaction in the short term and helps to clear allergic reactions like sneezing, red, itchy and watery eyes
and nose.

However, they also often have unwanted side effects like drowsiness, heart palpitations, impaired concentration,

Because they often become less effective over time, it may be necessary to keep trying new drugs to try and
achieve the same therapeutic effect.

About a Natural Alternative to Antihistamines Here

HealthyNewAge Resource Pages

Water and Allergies

Transfer Factor and Allergies

Enzymes and Allergies