Different options you have to deliver your baby

Getting to the end of your pregnancy it gets to that point where you will start thinking of the different options available to give birth. How you want to experience the coming of your newborn baby is a personal choice. Natural childbirth will probably be the first option that occurs in your mind but depending on certain factors you might http://www.healthynewage.com/wp-admin/post.php?post=7635&action=edit&message=6have to go for a C-section. Factors that may affect your delivery options are the risks involved with your pregnancy, the insurance that you opted for and the distance between your house and your healthcare provider.

Giving birth at home
It is natural for a woman to want to give birth in the comfort of her home. Since 2004 the number of women who prefer to give birth at home has risen. The overall risk involved with this process is relatively low but according to the American College of Obstetricians and Gynecologists (ACOG) risks of infant deaths are much higher when the delivery is done at home. That doesn’t mean women can’t give birth to healthy babies at home, just that in case of any complication, it might be preferable to be in a hospital.

Doctors recommend to women who prefer to give birth at home for make sure they are healthy, check their pregnancy in advance to know that there are no complications and preferably this should not be their first deliverance.

If it is your first time it is best to be in a hospital. Statistics from ACOG say that 25 to 37% of women who have their first delivery at home still end up at the hospital as a result of complications. In the case of twins, giving birth in a hospital is a better option.

Even if everything looks perfect and you think there is no need to give birth in a hospital, you still need to take certain preventive measures. For example the location where you want to give birth should not be too far from a hospital. Again even at home it is advisable to be assisted by a midwife in the process of delivery.

Giving birth in a hospital
If you have had a Cesarean birth in the past then the hospital should be the best option for the next delivery. In that case it is quite important to give birth knowing that ready access latest technology are available, just in case.

Some future parents might not be comfortable with the hospital environment but you need to understand that the stereotype of a mother giving birth in a hospital cold room is gone. Parents still have the option to go to hospitals that offer the better services.

In traditional hospitals, depending on the stage of the labor, the woman is moved from one room to another. There is a room for delivery, another one for recovery and then a semi-private room. In the meantime your baby may also find itself in a separate nursery and brought to you only when it is time to feed it.

The good news is, parents have the option to go for family-centered care houses. There you will be offered private rooms where the labor, delivery and recovery will take place. It is possible for your partner to stay with you during your stay at the center. Those delivery rooms are designed to make sure the women feels at home with picture decorations on the wall and soothing colors. The mother is not surrounded with medical equipment.  They are kept in a cabinet and taken out for use only when necessary.

As a future mother it is also advised that you prepare yourself in advance for the coming of the new baby. You can take childbirth and parenting classes in advance.

Choosing a standalone birth center
In between hospitals and home delivery you can also find the right middle and go for standalone birth centers. They have become more popular lately. Those centers are affiliated with a local hospital where you can be transferred if anything goes wrong. They are also covered by insurance. That said it is recommended only to healthy women with no pregnancy complication.

The centers are also designed to bring a homelike environment to the mother who can eat and drink what she wants and receive visits from friends and family who may even choose to videotape the delivery. Jacuzzis or tubs options are offered if the woman prefers to have a water birth experience.

Remember, the choice is always yours but make sure to always thoroughly think through the options that you have before taking any final decision. Cost may be a factor that will influence your option. That is why it is important to save in advance before getting a baby. Consider all the options available and make a choice accordingly.