10 yoga poses for beginners

Written by Meighan Sembrano

Yoga is a great and fun way to exercise. One can also engage in yoga as a group activity with either relatives or friends. It is also very helpful both physically and mentally. It helps the brain in many ways including relieving stress. However, to ensure the effectiveness of your workout, it’s vital to learn the poses well especially for beginners. That’s why it’s advisable to gain more insight and information on yoga poses. Finally, don’t forget that motivation is essential.

Mountain Pose

This pose requires an individual to stand with their feet close to each other. He should stand tall with his shoulders relaxed: this is important to ensure that the weight of the body is evenly distributed. Then he should rise both arms above the head after taking a deep breath. The arms need to be straight up. The palms need to face each other and then the individual should try reaching up with the fingers.

Downward Dog Pose

The individual needs to start on all fours while placing the hands on the mat right under his shoulders. The knees should be positioned as wide as the hips. The individual needs to walk forward a few inches with the hands while spreading the fingers wide apart. The palms should be pressing on the mat. Try to push the hips up in the direction of the ceiling while pressing the toes on the mat and extend your legs. Let the body take the shape or posture of an inverted V, facing downwards. The feet need to be apart while bending the knees just slightly. Finally, try holding 3 or 4 full breaths.

Warrior Pose

The warrior pose requires the individual to stand with his legs approximately 4 feet (120 cm) apart. The individual then needs to turn the front foot at an angle of 90 degrees (toe facing forward) and the back foot at an angle of approximately 45 degrees (toe facing out to the side). Then the individual needs to bend the front leg so that the knee is squared above the foot (the knee should not go beyond the ankle). Relax shoulders and bring the hands to the hips to make sure they are facing forward. Extend the arms with the palms down, out to the sides. Switch the legs and ensure that each remains in the position for about one to two minutes.

Tree Pose

The workout starts with the individual standing with his arms along his sides. Then he needs to shift his weight on his left leg first by bending the knee and positioning the right foot on the inside of his left thigh. The hips need to face forward. Find your balance and bring the palms together in prayer position. Then change leg and do the same for the other side.

Child’s Pose

This pose requires the individual to sit on his heels comfortably and then roll his torso forward. While doing this, the individual should bring the forehead on the mat in front of the rest of the body. Finally, he should extend the arms in the front and try lowering the chest as close as possible to his knees. Once in this position, try and get comfortable.

Crow Pose

The crow pose is a difficult one to master. Start in a downward dog position and try walking the feet forward until you manage to let the knees touch the arms. You should then bend the elbows and try lifting the heels from the floor. The knees should rest on the outer part of the arms.

Cobra Pose

Start the cobra pose by lying on the floor face down with the arms under your shoulders. The legs and the top part of the feet should be on the floor. One should then try tightening the pelvic floor followed by pulling the shoulders downwards. Try raising your chest in the direction of the wall in front of you. Take some time to relax and then repeat.

Seated Twist Pose

The seated twist is helpful to stretch the hips, the back and the shoulders. Circulation is improved in the abdomen too. After sitting down, ensure your legs are extended forward. Your right foot should cross over the extended leg (left) and then rest on the mat, adjacent to the outer part of the left thigh. With your torso, try twisting to the right: use your left arm to lever yourself and your right arm so support your back in a straight position. Then change sides.

Bridge pose

Yoga is good for extending the spine and stretching your chest. To get in the bridge pose, you need to start lying with our back on the floor. Then bend your knees so that they are directly over your heels. Place your arms along the sides of your body with the palms facing down. Lift the hips as you exhale and press your feet on the floor. Clasp your ankles with your hands and keep pressing your arms down. The idea is to lift the hips such that they get parallel to the ground. Try bringing the chest near or towards the chin.

Triangle Pose

The triangle pose requires the individual to stand with his legs approximately 4 feet (120 cm) apart, feet forward. The individual then needs to turn the right foot at an angle of 90 degrees (toe facing right) while the left foot remains facing forward. The torso then moves toward the right foot but the chest must be kept open. Try to touch the ground with the right hand whilst extending the left arm upwards to form a vertical line with the arms. Change side after a while.


These yoga poses are essential for yoga beginners and hopefully you will enjoy them whilst getting fit.

Meighan Sembrano is an author at Consumerhealthdigest.com. She has a keen interest in writing. She has contributed many beauty related articles to several popular websites. She has obtained a Mass Communication degree and now lives in Washington DC. She is a social worker who spends her free time searching about life, health, fitness, and beauty related topics. She is fond of travelling and trekking. To know more about her, follow her on Facebook and Twitter.